grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr my worst enemy is pregnant

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Well-Known Member
May 21, 2007
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the couple who are my worst enemies are going to have a baby. They do not deserve it and though I would not wish this on anyone else, I hope this soul goes to a family who can care for it more.

The bloke will only try and sh*g the child just as he has numerous vulnerable women, with 3 having said that he raped them, several that he took advantage, and others that he harrassed them into giving in. :x :x :x
:shock: :shock: :shock: oh my they sound ....nice :shock:

I also found some one who isnt nice thats pregnant :( i dont even remember how i stumbled upon it. :cry:
what do you mean the bloke will sh*g the child? what child
random post for a public forum - you been on the cherry lambrini again?
dionne said:
OingoZoingo said:
Well, that isn't good... :cry:
i love your username :lol:
sat here for ages trying to say it :lol:
Thanks! It's actually after my favourite band of all time, Oingo Boingo.
80's music is so awesome.
katyk said:
The bloke will only try and sh*g the child just as he has numerous vulnerable women,

There's a difference between sh*gging women and shagging a child :shock:
I don't think it's fair to say they don't deserve it. Everyone deserves a chance to change and a chance for happiness.

But maybe yeah, the bloke is probly not a nice guy - hell I can think of loadsa nasty blokes and I bet someday they'll probly all get married and be happy too.
katyk said:
the couple who are my worst enemies are going to have a baby. They do not deserve it and though I would not wish this on anyone else, I hope this soul goes to a family who can care for it more.

The bloke will only try and sh*g the child just as he has numerous vulnerable women, with 3 having said that he raped them, several that he took advantage, and others that he harrassed them into giving in. :x :x :x

what the fook are you on about?
katyk said:
the couple who are my worst enemies are going to have a baby. They do not deserve it and though I would not wish this on anyone else, I hope this soul goes to a family who can care for it more.

The bloke will only try and sh*g the child just as he has numerous vulnerable women, with 3 having said that he raped them, several that he took advantage, and others that he harrassed them into giving in. :x :x :x

Jesus you can't say stuff like that!!!
It's a long story, basically 3 women have said that he raped them over the years, another few said he took advantage, and one that he harrassed them into giving in. So I wouldn't put anything past him especially if he has a drink or two.

Sorry if this should be in the miscarriage or something bit. It upsets me because so many lovely people on here are trying or can't have children, and a couple like that does :x

No I've not been at the cherry lambrini- yet :lol:
That is still a rather terrible thing to say... I understand why you would feel upset about it, but I don't believe anyone does or doesn't deserve a child.
Life isn't that black and white. :think:
I understand that you don't like them & that you feel strongly about this but as stated above,there's a difference between women & children.

I can't even put into words what I thought of the comment that you wrote that he could do with a child,I can't even re type it! I'm sorry but regardless what you think of these people , I don't think it's right that comments like that should be made.
I know it is upsetting when people get pregnant when you are try etc..
but to call a bloke a peadophile is going a bit far i think

He may well have abused these woman but it is only hearsay and total differance to abuseing a child!!!!
I'm going to lock this because .... well it's obvious really isn't it?
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