Grrrr bloody NHS!


Well-Known Member
Nov 12, 2007
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wELL i'VE HAD MY DATE FOR MY 20 week scan and it's not until March the 14th. I will be 2 days off 23 weeks. I haven't had a scan since I was 10 weeks!

Don't they need to do it before this??!?!

Alex xxx
Hey, that is a bit annoying! I guess that date must be ok for a scan but :hug: :hug: :hug: I can see why you're annoyed! I would be too xxxx
They don't need to do it before then for medical reasons but that must be so aggrivating!!!! You could call and see if they can bring it forward but they might just be too busy. :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
Awww-that must be annoying hun-an extra 3 weeks is a long time to wait when it's something soooo exciting and important. :doh:

I don't think it will affect the checks they do on your LO though and look on the bright side...your baby will be bigger by then so the image/picture you see and get will be much clearer. :cheer:
That is annoying hon
did they say why it was so late?
Hang in there love and as Sarah said the baby will be even bigger then and you will see more detailed features and facial characteristics

If you can ask them if they could possibly fit you in earlier.

:hug: :hug:
Lol Sarah :hug:

It is fairly annoying!! Mine is later too - in two weeks time which will make me 22 weeks!!! Not having the normal 20 wk scan though but the Consultant Downs one, and being high risk for Downs I had one at 16 wks so it isn't too bad.

Hope the time goes quickly for you!
I had my 20 week anomaly scan at 23+2 and they could do everything then they needed to. It's a pain having to wait but like geordie lass says you'll see even more at 23 weeks.
Thanks. I suppose your right about the getting a btter picture etc later on. I think I'm just being impatient!
It may be worth calling up and checking for cancellations froms time to time.

My first midwife appointment wasn't going to be until 14 weeks on 21st Feb as that was the nearest they could fit me in. After calling a couple of times they had had a cancellation and saw her on Monday and no have my first scan next Tuesday 19th - both before I was even going to be seen and both due to cancellations and re-shuffles.

Lucie x
my scans were both a week or so late, i guess its when they can fit you in

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