Growth Spurts ?


Well-Known Member
Dec 17, 2010
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Hi all,

Just wondering when everyone experienced growth spurts in their bump? I think I had one around 19 weeks and since then have been gradually growing. Im 24 weeks now and having looked at pics of a friend of mine when she was 24+5 she looks alot bigger than i am, more pregnant and more rounded!
I think mine has grown alot in the last few weeks. Everybody says i'm carrying small but I saw my MW yesterday and she measured my bump. It is 26cms and i'm 26 weeks so i'm perfectly proportioned! The way I see it i'm hoping my little man will only be an average size/weight instead of me trying to push a humongous child out of me! lol

I would worry much hun as long as your midwife's happy with your size! She's the expert after all! x
Need to see my gp and ask to measure mine... feel like my bump aint that big and everyone says am tiny and not 6moths but more like 5 months lol...
Mines more impatience i think, i want a nice rounded bump, with a flat belly button rather than a massive crater! Even a poppy out belly button would be better!
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i was measurede at 25 weeks and bump was 26cm. seems to be the last week it suddenly went bang i love it. xxx
from about 26-27 weeks i swear ive grown noticably almost every day! Now my bump is so high and round its very uncomfortable and its annoying that everyone comments on how big it is all the time!! x
errr its mad this for me as with first baby (remy lil boy) at 24 weeks i was huge, i was told i had alot of water with him.

weres as with this one i dont feel like i av grown over the past weeks and was even gettin para that it had shrunk any how every things fine an i was measured today and im right on trend for size of bump, yippeeeeeeeee x x x i think its the last 8 weeks you seem to just go biggggggggg

but as they say every pregnancys is diff x
I can't make my 25 weeks appointement so will go the week after when I'm 26 weeks..can you tell me exactly from where to where your MW takes your measures,I heard from pubic bone to navel,is that right ?...I'm worry a little bit cause I'm nowhere near 25 cm..
ive been today and i couldnt even tell you i wasnt paying that much attention haha

its defo your pubic bone, but sure it wasnt to the navel and it was past that, think she had a feel first to were my uteras as come to then measured to there x
ah thanks Nadine,I'll stop worrying now cause if uterus is a few cm above navel then I should be about ok.. XX

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