Growth Scan On Thursday!..


Well-Known Member
Nov 21, 2010
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Hi Ladies..

Just got back from 32wk MW appointment and everything is fine, baby is still head down but free, and still measuring below average.. MW has booked me a growth scan at 8.30 thursday morning (excited i get to see little man again and dont have to wait ages)..

Cant wait :) MW said its prob just the lay he is lying is to why im not getting the correct measurements.. i also asked her what happens if they do find he is on the small side.. she said that babys come in all different sizes so i might just have a small baby :) or he isnt getting enough from my placenta in which case depending on his measurements/weight etc they will prob induce me (to be honest i dont think that will be the case, he is most likely being a bit naughty and lying awkward)

2 more sleeps till i see him again :) xx
Aww it's so nice to have another scan, even if it's not ideal circumstances. I think he's just being naughty too :) Let us know how you get on xx
yay you get to see your little man soon :) bet he is just being a cheeky monkey, and laying in a way thats making you measure small!

i've got my next growth scan on monday, i cant wait :)
I think he's just being a cheeky little baby too :)

Enjoy seeing him again! Let us know how you get on hun xxx
aww be good see baba again a got growth scan tommorow and another at 32 and 36 a have heard they tel people there small there big but the come out ok because they judge 1 size every child is diff they said my first would be big he was 5lb x
ah yay to seeing bubba again. sure he is fine. they take everything off an average which is very annoying but not all babys are the same. xxx
I often wonder how they know iof big or small cos everyone different with the amount of fluid they carry surely?? I measure 1 week over I think and Joshua was 8lb 11.5 oz and 12 days late when he was born!

I wish I could get another scan.... you are sooo lucky!!
I don't understand it either Tracey.. My friend who has just had her baby had a scan at 40+1 and was told she was 8lb 1 - she was born at 40+5 weighing 6lb 5! xxx
yeah it must be hard for them to tell, they told me Ethan was 10lb + and thats why my labour wasnt progressing because he was 2 big, he ended up bein 8lb exactly! Hope the scan goes well Kelly. x
Thanks, i am excited to see him again!!

My auntie had to go for a growth scan with her daughter as they said she was measuring small, when she was born she weighed 9lb 11oz... no where near a small

glad that the give you the scan tho just incase it is bacause of the placenta not working 100%

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