grand multipara and pph risk


Well-Known Member
Apr 21, 2010
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hi just wondering if any1 knows anything about the risk of pph if your classed as a grand multipara do i have to have the drip in or could i see how it goes and will i be kept in for 24 hours rather than be allowed home?
If I understood what you wrote, I prob still wouldn't have an answer :lol:
Rósa;1852135 said:
If I understood what you wrote, I prob still wouldn't have an answer :lol:

Ditto. I think grand multipara is something to do with midnight having had at least 5 pregnancys, no idea what PPH means.......midnight?

pph is Postpartum hemorrhage where after labour if you loose more that 500ml of blood basically bleeding to much because the uterus doesnt contract as well the more children you haveand grand multipara is because this is my 5th child
i feel quite :smug: that i understood that! i was having a discussion with my dad about how i know far too much about pregnancy the other day haha! they cant really *make* you do anything, jut suggest its a good idea! i lost a lot with E, but also had a 3rd degree tear, so had to stay in til i had a poo, but they did say to me, basically its down to you if you want to go before then, but you could end up being readmitted if something goes wrong! but i think it was about 12 hours they would have kept me in for for the bleeding!
I get you now, I am on my 6th child but 12th pregnancy. what they do with me is put a drip in my hand with just saline fluid in just incase i hemorage. they told me the more children you have the more likely you are to hemoorage. well they only managd to do that with my 4th as with my 5th i had him on induction ward not being believed that I was in labour lol, and that is plan again this time. i asked if i could just have drip iif and when i hemorage they said no much quicker this way.
Oh to answer the other question I had my 4th at 2pm and was back home by 4pm so they didn;t keep me in.
i was kinda hoping i wouldnt need the drip put in ready :( i suppose it would save time if its already in should anything go wrong ive never had a problem with my uterus not contracting back before it usually goes down pretty quick
its good that you dont always have to stay in that long i presume it will depend on what time i give birth
I have never had a problem either and hate having the drip, but suppose they know what they are doing and if its safer and quicker if things go wrong then i wont complain, well i will complain hehe but i will let them do it.
thats the thing though its the consultant thats saying this my actual midwife was happy for me to have a homebirth she even suggested it
i never got told it with my 4th till i went in to have her so it was a bit of a shock for me at the time. midwife tried to persuade me to have a homebirth with my last one but consultant wouldn't let me cause of my fast births i have gone into shock afterwards and they have said babies can do the same. so i am too scared to have homebirths, but i think midwives nowadays prefer homebirths so there must be something good about them. have you spoke to your midwife and see what her opinion is since you have seen consultant she maybe able to help.
they did this on your 4th?? my 4th was fine and no mention of it at all only now because its my 5th am i classed as high risk i have the injection to help deliver the placenta so at least im at less risk there and hopefully she will breast feed straight away so this with help with the uterus contracting
I dont know wether they counted my miscarraiges cause then my 4th was my 6th pregnancy no idea why they did it to me on my 4th just lucky to get away with it on my 5th, hopefully you are the same unless its written in your notes. I am hoping to get away with it this time again but not have baby on induction ward with hubby delivering, labour ward better with a midwife lol.

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