Got to go to hospital


Well-Known Member
Apr 24, 2005
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Doc worried I am having an ectopic pregnancy, off to the hospital. Hope I don't have to spend too long in.

Please send lots of baby dust to my little bub :cry: :cry:

Oh my god I am so worried. I have just been reading up on them I hope all goes well. Keep us posted.

Sends baby dust to your babay!
Love Danielle x thoughts are with you at this worrying time. A special prayer and bucket of baby dust coming your way.
Take care, hope everything is ok, BABY DUST ................
This is terrible. I hope you're okay.
Well I am home. They wanted to keep me in until Monday (when I could have a scan) but I really don't want to stay in hospital for 3 nights so I signed myself out. They've taken some blood to test my Hcg levels, if it is above 1000 tomorrow when I call then I have the scan on Monday (appparently things only show if your level is above 1000), if they are below then I need to have a retest on Sunday to see what the difference is. If the 2nd test amount is double the first then it's a normal pg (not sure what happens then), if it goes up by 60% then that is a sign of an ectopic, if it drops - well that isn't a good sign. :cry:

Off to have a chill out, feeling really really tired and for the first time (this sounds horrible) emotionless. Just don't know what to think.
Rosie.. I am totally there with you at the moment. If you have seen my recent post then you will know I had the same thing. 2 weeks ago doctors thought i was ectopic because of my hcg levels. They started at 760 on 1st test.... .2nd was 1006 ( not doubled)... 3rd 800 ( so had dropped).. 4th 2100 so I just didnt preform like a 'normal' pregancy. I hung out for a rescan b4 I would do anything and on thursday they actually found fetus with a pounding heartbeat. I know we all preform differently and I am not saying you will be ok...are you having any symptoms ie pain or bleeding? Are you definate about your dates?..I am only 6weeks now so I was just very early. I do hope things turn out ok but you have us rooting for u.
Here is tons of baby dust blown your way ... my heart goes out to you and your family!

ST 37y
DT 37y
married 11/21/92
DRT boy 7/15/94
CJT boy 8/26/97
CET girl 11/23/99
MC (D&C) 8 weeks 11/02
blighted ovum (empty sac 6weeks and D&C 10weeks) 10/03
Miracle#4 due 11/16/2005
Have been getting real sharp pains in my lower left hand side, which could just be normal pg pains (I'm hoping ). I think it was that combined with the bleeding that they were worried about - but have found possible cause of bleeding as a large cervical erosion (explains bleeding from swabs the other day).

Feeling a lot better mentally today, was just so tired last night.
Hiya, just read your post, Oh, good luck, let us know how things are going. lots of babydust!

Keeping my fingers crossed for you. I have been bleeding since Week 7 although it is most probably because im on Heparin injections daily. But the reason is the same...most likely a raw bit on my cervix.

Just wanted to reassure you that I have been having cramps..and especially to one side..but from what Ive read previously on other threads this is all normal.

Good Luck with your Scan
Will be thinking of you
Ragna xxxxxxxxxxxx

thinking of you and sending huge waves of positive energy to you and yours

I had a Hcg reading of 35000 which seemed quite high compared to the level they were testing for. The pains have really eased off now, hoping it is just normal pg pains, plus no more blood (yay). Going to call them later to see if they still want me to go for the scan tomorrow as they told me to be prepared for a long wait tomorrow :?

Thanks everyone for your kind words and support. It's horrible having a mini scare like this, can't wait til the next 6 odd weeks are over with.
You must be at your wit's end but things are starting to sound a lot more positive. I hope the scan goes well.
Take care, S
Good luck today rosieroo, yesterdays post sounds promising, keeping my fingers crossed for you, i know what you're going through same thing happened to me last year (except my hcg levels didn't shoot up like yours did) loads of baby dust coming your way

Let us know how you get on


i had a blighted ovum in october and found out at 14 weeks, so i had to have a d&c.

i did a pregnancy test on wednesday and it was positive so i had a scan on friday because of previous loss. to be told by the midwife that there was no embryo and that it looked like a failing pregnancy. the sac looks around 7 weeks but she said it should be round. she sent me for blood test to check hormone level but said that she was almost certain it was failing.
i went back for second blood test yesterday, and im sitting here waiting for a call from doctor. my first test were 800 which indicates roughly that i would be 3 weeks. although i know its failing i still keep thinking the doctor is going to ring to give me positive news.

has anyone had a similar experience.

Rosieroo, I had some bleeding during week 5 and had a blood test. My HCG levels were rather dramatically described by the receptionist in the early pregnancy ward as 'abnormally high' for such an early stage of preganancy and there was 'grave danger' that that it could be ectopic. I was rushed in for an early scan and the doc confirmed the pregnancy was in the uterus and that there are many reasons why HCG levels could be high. A positive one is that it indicates a strong pregnancy.

I hope all turns out well for you

Well I have a bub, in the right place with a little fluttering heartbeat :D

Apparently my uterus is probably what is causing pains as I have a common thing where it points the wrong way, so it needs to bring itself to the front which causes stretching pains etc.

Still can't believe what was on the screen is in my tum, and can't believe there isn't a whole football team in there that is making me feel this sick, just a teeny weeny flutter :lol:
Congratulations Rosie

Its a great sight to see that fluttering isnt it. You are a day ahead of me but seems we have both had a very trying few weeks lets start enjoying the pregnancys.....dont know about the morning sickness

Take Care X

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