Got our boy name but no girl name :(


Well-Known Member
Jul 3, 2006
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I've been having trouble sleeping recently all because I can't think of a girls name!! I'm sure this means we are having a girl as it's typical :lol:
We've had our boys name from before we got preg so that wasn't a problem but we've both gone off the only girls name we liked.. Alexis and Lexi for short
Loads of names go with Rose so it's not a surname matching issue it's just I don't like ANY girls names!! I like everyone else's names don't get me wrong just cant find one that I love for our baby girl! Mil is still pushing us to find out the sex as we have a scan on Friday and a 4d on the 10th... But I'm adamant we are team yellow! We have a few weeks to name baby after birth but I want to be organized with at least a name we kind of like!
I think Lily Rose is a gorgeous name :) maybe you don't want it too flowery though? :oooo: x
That's so strange u say that, that's actually the only name I like but his mums dog is called lily and he won't name it after the dog lol!! That's actually shocked me it's the first name that came up lol!! That and Emily rose but the exorcism of Emily rose puts him off :( and there's something about emily I'm not sure of..
These are the names we've got on our list - you never know, it might help!


Good luck!!!
Lou - Oooh I love Brenna !!

Jaycees Mummy - you have quite long pretty and unusual names so what about Serafina Rose ? or Nicoletta Rose?
Savannah Rose
Aleeah Rose
Evie Rose
Leanna Rose
Briony Rose
Eloise Rose
Felicity Rose

Freya Rose is gorgeous :love: I like Charlotte Rose. I think the first name will need at least two syllables anyway :)
Sorcha Rose?
Thank you all! Yeah I was hoping for another 'different name' but I can't seem to catch one that really fits..
All those names are lovely just the majority we can't use as people we know are called those names and we either don't like them (lol) or it's too close to family, like sophia.. His sister is Sophie.. So I was gonna try and use that as a middle name, and freya is a v close family friends dds name..
Brenna is close to a surname of an ex my oh hates lol!
It's so hard when people have names you like!!! They ruin it lol!!
Oh actually said briony earlier and he likes it but it's too close to irony lol! I'm so picky it's shameful lol!! I read into names like the shortening, nicknames and piss takes lol!
I find a nice name and then find faults with it :( god I hope it's a boy!!!
I really love the name Lexi, that would be my choice but oh dont like it!
We are in the exact same position had a boys name picked out 4 ages but cant agree on a girls name! I like Darcie but oh aint keen on that either.
There are loads of boys names I love but when it comes to girls names I only like them not love them.
Think if we hav a girl she will be nameless 4 a while!
I wanted Lexi for Ellie too :( oh doesn't like Lexi and I don't like Alexis enough lol
I even tried 'Lillie' so it's not the same as the dog lol but he doesn't like it :(

Yeah I think if this is a girl she will be 'baby girl' for a while.. Which is a shame coz we love the thought of announcing our child with gender weight date and name.. :(
We're in exactly the same position. Have boys name all settled but are no where near a girls name.

I always said i wanted my daughter to be Elizabeth after my mum and gran - but all the short versions - like Beth or Libby - I just like but not love. Same with a middle name for everyday use.

I always thought a girls name would be soooooo much easier as girls names are so pretty -lol. but its just not happening.

Have to say I think Mrs Mc's suggestion of Felicity Rose sounds gorgeous.
I do like the sound of felicity rose but I'm just not keen on it tbh..
I found the girls names very hard to come up with but so glad I found unusual names I loved.. After two a third is hard to find!! Very hopeful it's goin to be a boy!!
Why is it so hard :(
Ive been sitting reading about baby names all morning. Sitting with with my mum and gran chatting about girls names and have come up with some nice ones - but when I put Maclean on the end they dont sound right.

I did quite like Ailish - gaelic for Alice - but OH says he doesnt like it - might have to work on him.

We are still TTC but are names for a girl is Delilah Rose (Rose being the middle name) I did want Delilah Anne but gave in to hubby!
Both lovely names :) keep working on him ;)
I'm really trying to push Lillie Rose on my OH lol but don't think I'm getting very far!
I am having aboy and we are in the opposite position - I kinda had a couple of girls names that I loved and not really any boys names! I really like Ella - Ella Rose? Ella would have been a shortening of either Isabella or Isabelle - I also quite liked Bella. I was also quite liked Connie - that is my Grandmas name and there is something really cute about old fashioned names, I met a little girl the other day called Betty and I used to look after a baby called Peggy - maybe worth looking at some of the older names to see if anything takes your fancy?! Good luck!
Yeah that may help thanks :) I can't have Ella as we call elyssa Ellie.. Never called her elyssa lol!x

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