Got my Induction date!


Well-Known Member
Apr 21, 2006
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My Midwife came this morning for the last time, Lil man is still only 3/5 engaged, BP’s high again but urine & heartbeat all fine.
She’s also booked my Induction for this Saturday (well I have to ring at 8am to see if there is a bed free) am pleased its on a weekend though as OH is only able to have 1 week off for Paternity leave. I am happy to be one step closer, I doubt (still hoping though :pray: ) anything will happen on its own now but I thought it was the not knowing when, where, what & how that I was anxious & worried about but I’m honestly more scared now I do know :( I feel so bad because so many people are trying to help and reassure me yet nothing is helping :(

Please please baby come soon!!
How exciting :cheer: ,we are gonna have a new arrival soon,good luck hun :hug: xx
Aww hun it'll be fine :hug: Cant wait to see your little one :cheer:

I know your scared and theres not much I can say to stop you worrying, because its normal to worry. I was seriously pooing myself when I was due to be induced and can only say I know how you feel. But it will be fine and just think you could be holding your ickle baby in your arms on the weekend :dance:
Good luck hunny :D I think your well brave having an induction I would never want one :?

I am sure you will do fine though :cheer:
thats brilliant news pud! so the end is nigh for you. I hope you go naturally though in the meantime sweetie :hug: :hug:
u will be fine hun and now u know ur baby will be here by next week ohhhh its so exciting
Tasha20 said:
Why don't you have a choice?

I cant say no as there is a risk to the baby the further overdue you go and he just not ready to come on his own just yet
hope you go sooner, naturally, but if not good luck for saturday!!! xx
Princess_Puddles said:
Tasha20 said:
Why don't you have a choice?

I cant say no as there is a risk to the baby the further overdue you go and he just not ready to come on his own just yet

Fair enough hunny, as long as you are happy :D

I hope you do go naturaly but if not all the best for Saturday :hug:
tasha do you realise that if you go more than 12 days late your home birth is out the window?
Same with me of course.
Yes I know :( but I try and forget about that bit :lol: and just pray shes not going to do it :pray:
Im glad the end is in sight for you Pud!!! Id be pooping myself about an induction too but then anyone would I think, you just need to focus on the fact that by the end of this weekend it could be all over chick :hug: :cheer:

Meanwhile you have 3 and a half days to try and encourage him out!!

The very best of luck to you hunny

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