Had my sweep and got induction date..


Well-Known Member
Apr 6, 2006
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Well had my sweep today and baby luci is progressing she's engaged and ready they did a good sweep which brought tears but i wanted the sweep either way!!! :doh: :doh: :doh:

the midwife then went away and got my induction date- sunday!!!! ive got to ring at 10am to see if it's ok to come in and if there's a bed etc but if there is im having a baby sunday!!! :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:
yaaaaay!!! aww fingers and toes crossed!! was going to say legs crossed too but these days it is just not possible for me to do that! :oops: LOL

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx :cheer: :cheer: xxxxxxxxxxx
Congratulations hun :cheer:

You must be so relieved the wait is almost over :hug:
Mildly said:
Congratulations hun :cheer:

You must be so relieved the wait is almost over :hug:

thats an understatement to say the least.

How about you your appointment is tom, have you decided what your plan of action is hun ?
OOh with any luck it will happen before then, well worth the tears hun :hug:
its defin worth the tears once she's here! i cant wait now!!! :cheer:

I want the labour pains!!!! :doh: :doh: :doh:
Woo hoo,

Great news hun!!!

Bring on the pain train!!!! :pray: :pray:
angiemum2b said:
Mildly said:
Congratulations hun :cheer:

You must be so relieved the wait is almost over :hug:

thats an understatement to say the least.

How about you your appointment is tom, have you decided what your plan of action is hun ?

Not really, I've had two bits of what looks like a bloody show so am hoping they'll do a sweep and then I guess I'll see what they suggest :D
Good luck for Sunday Angie!! I really hope all goes well & I look forward to hearing news of a little bundle of joy entering the world!! :cheer:

Good luck :hug: Will be thinking of you. xxx
Good luck for sunday, but I hope the sweep works and your in labour soon!!! :cheer:
Very best wishes, hope the sweep starts or has started something for you already :hug: :hug: :hug:
sweep has done bugger all :wall: to yet ive only had mild twinges which keeps fading off, so it looks like im being induced!!!! :wall: :wall: :wall:

Oh well as soon as she makes an appearance i'll let you all know! :D

1 more day!!!! :cheer:
I hope that things start naturally for you, but if not Sunday isn't far away! :cheer:

Will keep my eyes out for your post :D Good luck hun :D


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