Got A Headache *Updated*

awww hope ur bloods come back ok and you dont develop any other symptoms hun :hug:
awww hun i had all this wen i was pregnant with Braydon sounds like the same they wanted to keep me in but there wasnt enough beds :wall: :wall: everything was fine in the end
and im sure it will be the ssame for u to hun
Hiya Jade glad everything is ok thats what they told me when i was in last Wednesday and Friday hope ur bloods come back ok and everything turns out ok grace xx
Glad all was ok - spoke to you by text - but just thought i'd add - my bp was up and down like a yoyo in the last few months and i suffered from headaches/migraines, and my ankles and fingers were swollen.
They told me i had to go in if i had blurred vision and blind spots, when i pointed out that i get this monthly with the migraines i suffer from they werent quite sure what to suggest!

Anyway i'm sure you will be fine, probably all the stress with the housing hasn't helped your bp at all, relax and watch some tv... you're on the home run now!!
this happened to me the other week..... I made sure I had strict rest for a few day and touch wood things have settled for me!

I hope your blood results come back ok too.... mine didn't and I have had 4 tests in the last 2 weeks!! OUCH!!!
I was in overnight last Thursday with raised BP, protein in my urine and swollen ankles/feet. You need to rest up girl! I have found it really tough to sit and do nothing for the last few days but I feel loads better for it. I know you have the house thing but you and junior are more important - relax for a couple of days.
Glad allis ok hunny, thanks for txt update.hav been thinking of you.

Had midwife app oday and got a really high reading on BP monitor, but I always do on the monitor, she rechecked it manually and it was lower but still bit raised....she said as I had no other symptoms, it wasnt a concern, but to keep an eye on it. Its normal for the last few weeks for it to raise slightly she said, plus I am still working and spent the last few days cleaning like a demon. It was a wake up call to rest as much as I can now, and you make sure you do to chicken...feet up and watch lots of TV and sleep as much as you can. :sleep:

Roll on week friday, when I can finally put my feet up and watch a pile of my fav DVDs before LO puts in an apperance (unless s/he decides to come early!! :shock: )
Poor you Jaidy. Glad you're home though. Make sure you put your feet up and look after yourself. L x
Cheers everyone, headache seems to have eased slightly today :pray:

At least the end is in sight..... :cheer:
Glad to hear it! Hope you have been looking after yourself. Is there anything you can do at work for this last week to take some of the strain off??

Like doing a job that is more sitting down or having extra breaks?? You have done so well staying in work for this long! I was off at 28 weeks!!!
Lyndsey said:
Glad to hear it! Hope you have been looking after yourself. Is there anything you can do at work for this last week to take some of the strain off??

Like doing a job that is more sitting down or having extra breaks?? You have done so well staying in work for this long! I was off at 28 weeks!!!

Im not at work hun.....havent been since August because of my bleeds! :rotfl:


Pregnancy brain kicking in! Must be confusing you with someone else!!!!
Lyndsey said:


Pregnancy brain kicking in! Must be confusing you with someone else!!!!

:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:

Its ok mate, gave me a good old chuckle anyhow!!

I dunno HOW I would have coped working up to this stage job is very physical and I was knackered by 20 weeks :shock:
so sorry you been poorly hunny. please rest and take it easy. not long to go now!! :hug:

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