Got A Headache *Updated*


Well-Known Member
Mar 28, 2006
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I have had a headache for about 24 hours now, its pretty constant but isnt hugely painful, more of a dull ache really. Have taken some paracetamols but they havent really done that much yet.

It had gone when I woke up this morning but as the day has gone on its come back.

Im going to go down to the doctors at 5 just to get it checked out, do you think im overeacting? Like I said, it isnt really, really painful but im aware of it.
No if i was you i would get it checked out especially as paracetamol hasn't done anything. I was getting headaches and my BP was high my MW told me to go to hospital if i had a headache and paracetamol didn't help.
Hope everything is ok i'm sure it will be let us know how you get on Gracexx :hug:
better to be safe than sorry, and they can prescribe you some other painkillers too!
definatley get yourself checked out - you need your BP checking... my MW sai that if paracetomol did not do anything then I should go up tot he maternity unit.....

Good luck - let us know how you get on!
Jaidy - me too!
Woke up this morning with a banging head. I've taken paracetamol too but they've done nothing. I have stayed off work today and have been in bed for most of it. Headache still hasn't gone so I was going to see how I felt in the morning and then go to the doctors.
So...let us know how you get on this afternoon.
May just be hormones I guess.
Good luck! L x
Hi girls,

Just been to GP and im off to hozzy....BP is high.

Il keep you informed as to how I get on!

Thanks for all your support :hug:
JaidyBaby said:
Hi girls,

Just been to GP and im off to hozzy....BP is high.

Il keep you informed as to how I get on!

Thanks for all your support :hug:

ooo hope everythings ok hunny xx
Hope you are ok babes- at least you are getting good care :hug:
Hope you are ok darling, will be thinking of you, keep us posted xxxx
Hi Jaidybaby,

Hope you are ok, thinking of you. :hug:
Hi Girls, thanks for all your sweet replies.

Came out of hozzy earlier. BP is definately high but is borderline and not high enough to induce me.

They said there isnt really a lot they can do apart from send me home and get me to monitor how im feeling. If I get any other symptoms apart from the headaches, such as swelling, blurred vision etc im to call right way/go back in. I have also been advised to rest plenty to try and keep BP down. They will be keeping an eye on me!

I have to ring back for my blood results soon, hopefully they will be clear.

I just want this over and done with now!!!

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