Goodbye, little Christmas baby


Well-Known Member
Dec 13, 2015
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I don't know where to start with this. Maybe from the beginning, with my shaking hand as I tried to take pictures of the faintest of faint lines on my wondfo tests, or my racing heart and head as I stared at my beautifully positive frer the next morning, brightest sunshine (beyond rare in dark and dreary Portland, Oregon) streaming in the window, illuminating it, reinforcing that perfect moment for what it was: holy, sacred.

I was scared, as I always am (not just about miscarriage, but about everything, if I'm being honest) but still I celebrated. I ordered a few perfect maternity pieces (they have yet to arrive, which is hard for me to even think about right now). I called birth centers. I called my sister. We went to a hotel and I stayed out of the hot tub. I called one midwife and mentioned I was scared of miscarriage and she said "have you ever miscarried?" I said no. She said "oh then you probably won't." I was so reassured. I was so grateful. Maybe she still said the right thing. But I wish she hadn't said it now.

When the spotting started a couple days ago, I panicked, but was reassured by the advice nurse and my friends and my husband that it was normal. But it didn't feel normal. But again - I panic. I assume the worst. I don't want to set myself up only to fall that much farther. I'd rather be pleasantly surprised than devastated.

But it turns out that doesn't work. I am no less devastated. I had no idea the sadness could be this profound. I have always worried about miscarriage, but I had no idea what I was actually worrying about. This is beyond what I could have imagined.

Leading up to today, when I heard the results of the hcg test (21, devastatingly low for over 5 weeks) and subsequently started bleeding heavily, I attempted to comfort myself by telling myself that if I were actually having a miscarriage I could have all those things I've been avoiding... coffee, a mocha, a hot bath. Now I'm here and those are pathetic consolation prizes. I didn't even miss stupid coffee, and the bath was just too hot anyway. I don't want those things. I want my baby.

My oldest daughter was so worried about me she asked my husband if I was going to die. I have to keep it together for the other kids, I know, and they do make it easier in many ways. This also changes how I feel about them, how I can truly grasp how precious they are; their lives are not a guarantee. This life is not a guarantee.

I can't actually imagine bearing this grief right now, and I simultaneously want to try again as soon as humanly possible and am terrified of trying again because I don't think I can go through this again. The pain of the loss, and all the subsequent stabbing reminders; reaching for the white towel, pausing, and grabbing the dark one. Taking my prenatal vitamin out of habit. All squeezes to the heart.
Oh Kholl, I'm so sorry that you're going throught this and that nothing I say can make you feel better, but I'm thinking of you. We're here for you.

Sending hugs your way xo
Oh you poor thing, I'm so sorry. :( That wasn't very realistic advice from the nurse. As sad as it is, most women will have a miscarriage at some point. I know she was just trying to reassure you and calm you down, but she built your hopes up which now it makes it that much harder to cope. Please don't be scared of trying again, you will get your rainbow baby eventually. Take care of yourself, we're all here for you. xxx
I'm so sorry for your loss. All of this can be so cruel sometimes. x
I’m so sorry kholl. I felt so overwhelmed and unprepared when I miscarried because I think, even though we know it’s a possibility, we all hope for the best outcome don’t we xx it will get easier. These first few days while bleeding really are so hard. Take care you xx
I'm so sorry sweatpea! I remember my first just like this.....

You will pull through eventually and don't forget to rant whenever you need. Xxx
I'm so sorry for your loss, sending virtual hugs and all my thoughts for you and your family
Oh Kholl, im so sorry hun :( sending hugs. Nothing anyone says will make you feel any better. Just take time to heal physically and emotionally. Xx
Thanks everyone. I just can't believe how sad I am. I can hardly bear it. All that would help is to be pregnant again but I am absolutely terrified of being pregnant again because the thought of going through this again is more than I can stand. I have a completely new and profound reverence for women who have gone through ANY loss, let alone MULTIPLE losses. I had NO idea. I am just heartbroken for any woman going through this or who has gone through this. It is virtually intolerable.
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I'm so sorry you are going through this. Your post is very touching. I had a loss at 4 weeks and one at 10 weeks and can empathise so much with many of your feelings. I actually seriously missed coffee when I was pregnant but after the loss I couldn't bring myself to drink it for a couple of months. It just made me sad to look at.

The best advice I can give is take time to grieve. And try to talk about your feelings. The ladies on here are great because they really understand what you are going through. Try and talk to your OH too. It's easy to start bottling them up and trying to look like you are okay but it is something that takes time to get over. Healing is easier when you talk about how you feel instead of letting it build up. At the moment it is all so raw that it seems like you will always feel like this. I know its a cliché but time really is a great healer. Its been over two years since my last loss and I still have moments of sadness and even cry sometimes but it's not the same overwhelming grief that I had at the time. I can now think back to some of my pregnancy memories as good memories, like when I told OH.

I am sure having maternity clothes arrive will be very hard. Maybe you can put them aside and keep them as a special keepsake of your baby and you might actually find it special to wear them in a future pregnancy in honor of this baby. One thing I found hard about MC is how little there is to show you were ever pregnant. After the initial pain I actually found items I associated with the pregnancy had special meaning to me.

I hope you are not having too hard a time physically. Hugs
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Thanks. I am talking about it a lot. I am actually finding myself virtually unable to hold it in. Friends who text "Hey! How's it going?" I'll just be like "I'm having a miscarriage." I just don't even care about holding it in. I'm too sad. It feels like I'm sitting on the bottom of the ocean. A good friend in town (I shared my pregnancy news with her in the beginning so she's been with me the whole way) sent me these gorgeous white orchids, and when I saw them on my doorstep all I could think was: I don't freaking want these. I am just angry at one more reminder of what's happening. That feels cruel and ungrateful, but I don't want these flowers. I don't want to look at them.
That's great that you are able to talk about it. It will help you work through the pain. I actually think it is nice to be open about it as it helps MC be a less taboo subject. It seems so unfair when women feel they have to sweep it under the carpet. Some people are more private and that's okay because every one has their own way of dealing with it but I think it is something we should talk about if we want to. The pain is so raw and awful to start with. I wish there was something I could say to make it go away but I know it feels like nothing will help now. There is no right way to feel. Don't feel bad about not wanting the flowers. I am sure you appreciate that she cares and is thinking about you but sometimes reminders are just too much to cope with at a certain moment. Could you put them somewhere where you won't see them for a few days, then you can decide if you want at them?
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Thanks Bunny. Did you try again right after your MC? Or did you wait a few cycles? I’m so sorry you went through this.
I was supposed to wait as I was quite poorly after but honestly we couldn't bring ourselves to actively prevent pregnancy. It took me 5 months to get pregnant which was much longer than any of my other pregnancies so I think my body knew it wasn't ready. After my CP I got pregnant the next cycle.
So sorry for your post, Kholl.

I don't know if it's an old wives' tale, but I've heard you're more fertile for the first 3 cycles after a m/c. When I had finished mine (at 12.5 weeks) I went back to trying immediately. If you're able to do it I wouldn't see the point of waiting.

For me, the only thing that 'helped' was to get pregnant and have another (my only) child. If that hadn't have happened then I think my state of mind would have deteriorated forever. But we are all different.

Your post fills me with sadness for you, and I can only say I have every sympathy and wish you all the best for the future and to get through this awful, heart-breaking time. xx
So sorry to hear about your loss kholl, it’s so cruel, take care of yourself xx

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