Good books to read!


Well-Known Member
May 20, 2006
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Hey everyone hope ur all well

Im off into hosptial next Thrusday for a op, and I was wondeirng if anyone has read any goods books lately, i like girly books, ya know the ones where there is a happy ending and she ends up with the book she loves etc :rotfl:

Just wondering if anyone has read a good one i can buy to take into hospital with me.

Thanks !!
i know there's a new marian keyes one out, i'm going to get it today, i love her books :D
Do you like books with happy endings which may also make you cry? I'd recommend any Nicholas Sparks novels. If you just like a good laugh, then either Marian Keyes or Sophie Kinsella have me chuckling throughout. I can't recommend any specific titles because I love all of the novels they write, so the rest is up to you to seek out.

Good luck with your op :hug:
Adele Parks.

You'll be out before you get time to read. :hug:

Sophie Kinsella books are brilliant, i've read them all and they really make you laugh but with a good story to them.

The Shopaholic Series were great and i've just read her latest one 'Remember Me' which i could hardly put down.

Good luck with your op.

I'd recommend Adele Parks as well, her books are really enjoyable, I own them all and love them! Great if you want some girliness!
Im half way through Sophie Kinsella - Shopaholic & Baby its a great read :D
I'm reading 'My best friends girl' at the minute by Dorothy Koomson it's a really good book.
finsihed the latest mairan keyes this week, very good. But a litle hard to take in some places.

Also love Louise Bagshaw, Wendy Holden and Jane Green.

Marian Keyes Angels is my all time favorite book! and i loved Marian Keys Watermelon. very relevant to us pregnant women. that book could have me crying in places but its still brilliant!
glittergirl said:

Sophie Kinsella books are brilliant, i've read them all and they really make you laugh but with a good story to them.

The Shopaholic Series were great and i've just read her latest one 'Remember Me' which i could hardly put down.

Good luck with your op.


I was gonna say the same :D
I like Josephine Cox i find i cant set her books down and im not a big style reader.
Cheers girls, I will pop into Metro Centre on Sun and see what I can find!!!! :hug:
Emma58 said:
I'm reading 'My best friends girl' at the minute by Dorothy Koomson it's a really good book.

I loved that book!

I was gonna recommend whats already been recommeded Sophie Kinsella and Marian Keyes.

if you like maeve binchy i have a few books lying around- i'm only gonna give them to the charity shop so let me know and i can send you some.
shes the only girly writer i read apart from that i love crime so don't think you'd like any others..xx
I love old books like the Bronte sisters and Jane Austin!

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