glucose intolerance test and blood tests


Well-Known Member
Feb 10, 2010
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Hi girls,

Have any of you had the glucose intolerance test? The one where you fast, have bloods drawn, drink glucose and wait 2 hours then have blood drawn again? I have mine on 9th march and am absolutely DREADING it!! I hate blood tests! Will they be able to tell me the results there and then, or will I have to wait for them? And do they take a lot of blood??

Also, they are doing my 28 week bloods at the same time even though I will be 26 weeks. I think it is because my notes say needle phobic in capitals across the top of the pages! Lol! And just to finish what is going to be a horrible morning of tests, they are giving me my anti-d injection after the blood tests!! :(

Im getting the anti d injection on 7th march, not looking forward to that but hopefully wont be too bad. Not sure about the other stuff like glucose tests and things. Im dreading blood tests though as nobody could get any blood fromme at 2 appointments and they had to get a doctor to come in and get the blood from my hand. xx
got bloods on the 17th and andi-d on the 24th im terrible withneedles aswell but one off them ant it :(
flopsybunny - I had this with my last pregnancy and will have it with this one too. They don't take much blood, just one sample before and after glucose (and the gluscose doesn't taste as bad as everyone else made out). It's normal for them to do your full blood count then too. I was told that they ring you if there are any problems, either with the glucose or iron, the same day. All I would say though is to take some food with you for after the second blood test as I felt really ill having not eaten for so long when we left the hospital and we had to stop to get me something to eat. (Is someone else taking you) Hope that helps. x

PS I was sent home for the 2 hour wait
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I havent had it, but I have been told I will need to have the glucose test cus I am apparently over weight (god I hate the way they decide these things lol)

Im not looking forward to it, just cus I dont want to sit around for all those hours waiting or have to fast before hand

I will be interested to hear what happens and how it goes for you
im going to sound stupid but what is the anti-d?xxx
im going to sound stupid but what is the anti-d?xxx

anti d is an injection you get if you have a certain blood type. i have rhesus negative blood which means i need an injection as the babies blood will likely be positive.
you get tested for this at your 12 week bloods. i didnt know what it was either untili found out i was rhesus negative lol xx
I have my glucose test on 21st March. I have been told as an alternative to the glucose drink the hospital supplies, I can take 500ml of original Lucozade & they will measure how much I need to drink out for me. Defo going with Lucozade option as the thought of drinking something I can't stand fills me with more dread than the needles!
I have heard they don't take too much blood & you get your results quickly (usually same day).
But considering my BMI is a little high & my 1st baby weighed 9lb 7oz & I had a complicated birth, I am happy to have the test to make sure both me & bubs are well.
I'm sure nobody particularly loves needles, but it's for a good reason, so try to stay focused & don't be too scared x

Sunnyb xxx
Hey hun!

I'm not having the GTT but I am having the Ani-D injection at 28 weeks. I'm not needle phobic luckily! I'm sure you'll be fine though! :) x
I had my GTT this morning. Wasn't too bad really. They took one lot of blood then I had to drink the glucose (which didn't taste too bad it was just very sweet), then I had to sit in the waiting room at the doctors for 2 hours, then they took another lot of blood. Have been told to call in 2 days for the results. The worst thing about it was the 2 hour wait!
I had my GTT this morning. Wasn't too bad really. They took one lot of blood then I had to drink the glucose (which didn't taste too bad it was just very sweet), then I had to sit in the waiting room at the doctors for 2 hours, then they took another lot of blood. Have been told to call in 2 days for the results. The worst thing about it was the 2 hour wait!

urgh the 2 hour wait is the thing I am dreading....i may go insane lol
think I will have to take something to entertain myself with
Roo we do everything at the same time i just had mine today aswell lol and i also got my 28 week bloods done to save doing them at next visit. My MW thinks it should be fine so early she did it cause i had bloods taken last time to check iron levels and my arm is a mess all bruised... I actually like lucazade so i was ok drinking it-Like every1 said its the 2 hours wait i was getting annoyed went through 3 mags 3 toilet trips and a lot of huffing lol- Its not much blood and i was told they will contact me in 3-4 days if they need to if not all ok xx
I had my GTT this morning. Wasn't too bad really. They took one lot of blood then I had to drink the glucose (which didn't taste too bad it was just very sweet), then I had to sit in the waiting room at the doctors for 2 hours, then they took another lot of blood. Have been told to call in 2 days for the results. The worst thing about it was the 2 hour wait!

urgh the 2 hour wait is the thing I am dreading....i may go insane lol
think I will have to take something to entertain myself with

I took my i pod and a book. To be honest it went quite quickly was just uncomfortable sat in the waiting room chairs!!
Im getting the anti d injection on 7th march, not looking forward to that but hopefully wont be too bad. Not sure about the other stuff like glucose tests and things. Im dreading blood tests though as nobody could get any blood fromme at 2 appointments and they had to get a doctor to come in and get the blood from my hand. xx

emma, dont worry re anti-d injection. I have had these before. the needle is small and they jab you in a fatty area (like buttocks). Not painful, just a sharp prick and it is all over!!! You will be fine :hugs:
Hi I don't need the gtt, but I am a nurse and take blood and stick needles in people everyday! They will only take a few ml of blood and the needle only just goes under the skin.
You could ask if they can use a butterfly needle, which are smaller and only usually used for patients with difficult veins - I always use them for needle phobic people. The samples will probably be sent to hospital for testing that day.


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