Thanks for all the info Gizzy, I knew you'd be the one to ask
I think i have a really good varied diet, my weight issue is due to portions size rather than eating crap.
I have gone through phases of eating nothing but fruit and veg, porridge, nutty granola. I was even on a smoothie diet for about 4 weeks once. I tried eating loads of prunes too.
I even OD'd on senna for a couple of nights (very unlike me) and still I couldn't go!
It seems to be dependant on my cycle. When I OV I instantly stop pooping. Then as I hit AF, I'll suddenly get a load of bowel movements within a couple of days - like now - but the stools look very much like sheep poo (tmi) and I find it hard to get the last bits out (very tmi).
Then after AF it will slow right down again. It been going on for a couple of years now.
I don't force it out so I don't suffer any pain or anything, but I do feel bloated often and I get stong "OV" pains that I wonder might be gas, but I hardly ever have wind.
I've still got about 4 weeks before starting any treatment so I'm thinking i will be able to a full course in and then decide on if it's had any impact or not. I just keep on thinking "bowel cancer" and i think constipation is supposed to get worse during pregnancy? At this rate a BFP would mean no poop for the whole 9 months