ghd strighteners - worth the money or not?

GHD's are fantabbytosey :dance: I wouldn't / couldn't be without mine :D

ive had my GHD's 4 a year.. couldnt live without them, definately worth the money
there are some good 1's that are a bit cheaper and just as god .. there called Fox's
x sophie x
i had some kodo strighteners last year which i thought were just as good as ghd because they were just as expensive and looked the same. then i actually got some ghd straighteners and reaised why they are the worlds best! seriously, i have curly/wvy/frizzy locks and can have it to jennifer anniston proportions in 5 minuites!

also have mastered the art of curls, waves and flicks. worth every penny and more!! the new ghd came out a couple of months ago, its the best ever one they have made, its been improved and perfected, no more fires! love it. heats up so fast. has safety switch off, keeps temperature constantly...

i could go on. if you are gonna get any you may as well get the best, they are an investment.
I dont rate them personally, they are good but not worth the extra good,

Mine are fab, Babyliss 230 Pro, 20 degrees hotter than GHD's and you can adjust the temp...

Best thing is the price....£39.99!! :cheer: :cheer:
just to let you know, my hair is really long and it still only takes 5 mins!!

get them!
I bought some GHDs a few years ago to use on the clients. My intention was to ONLY use them on clients hair, but I have to say I use the 30 quid ones on their hair and save the GHDs for myself lol They are amazing, well worth the money! :)

The make your hair feel so soft and smoooOOOooth!
i have really thick, coarse naturally curly hair...GHD'S are worth every penny! I have had mine for nearly 2 years and they are an investment.
I have curly hair too and I have GHDs. I love them.

I have had them for aout 3 years now and they are still going strong. I don't use them everyday.

If they go wrong u can send them back and u should get a replacement. And mine came with a 2 year warranty.

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