Getting pregnant after Contraceptive pill


Well-Known Member
Jun 1, 2011
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Hi guys

Im just worried at the mo.

Been on pill for 10 yrs plus.
Normal Microgynon for past 2 yrs.

Ive had a couple of months break off pill now and then and periods just went straight back to normal.

I came off the pill my last cycle (First day of AF was 26th May - not took pill since)

Im 3 days late - or have I worked this out wrong ?

Little sore BB's thought I had some PG signs last week cuz I was sooooo tired for a few days. Now i thinkI was just being paranoid.

Ive read that you can wait upto 3 months for your period to start again after pill? Is this really right? Ive just never had this problem and wondering if its maybe my age :-S !!

Im 28 by the way lol

I terminated in 2007 after getting PG whilst on the pill.

Any advice /knowledge pls!! xx
hey hun, i came off microgyon at the end of october last year after 5 years on it. i had first period over christmas then absolutly nothing till may 19th then this month i was 3 days late. seem to be regulating now tho. so yes it does take time for your periods to settle down. try not to let it all get to you. think i did that and it delayed it more. just let your body get back to normal. hope this makes sense! good luck hun xxx
i know hun, i was constantly thinking i must be pregnant cos it hadnt come. stressed myself out completely. thought i was infertile or there was something wrong. it is really frustrating! but you will feel so much better about it all when you start to regulate! im hoping for my bfp this coming month now i seem to be sorted!! hang in there with it xxx
thats good to know hun. thank u.
think im just more worried because ive never had this happen before. usually im like clockwork whether on pill or not!! grrrr... x
Hi there I was on microgynon for about 8 years and came off at the end of nov, had my first period end of jan I think and slowly worked its way down to about 4 week cycles. Doc said it would take approx 6 cycles to come out of the system and I got pregnant in cycle 5 so think that was about right as I felt different the month I fell so felt everything was back to ususal. My first month I felt every preg symptom which is very common as it is the pill still in your system. However it isnt impossible to get preg straight away so you might be in luck!!
Hey hun!, ive been on Microgynon 30 since the age of 17, im now nearly 22.

My periods are still pretty much everywhere at the moment, and ive not taken it for almost 3 months. Ive also read it could take up to 6 months for your cycles to regulate back to how they were before you started the pill :)

But i think it varies from woman to woman about how long it takes your period to return to normal :)
Hi Hun, I was on microgynon for 14 years and came off it in January. I didn't get a period until April and I started to think there was something wrong!! I have a 32 and a 34 day cycle so far so I'm hoping they will shorten a bit but at the moment I'm just glad they are regulating! I think 3 months is about right to get out of your system and from what ive heard microgynon is quite a strong pill.
Good luck ttc x
Hiya I was on microgynon for 16 years and came off the end of feb. I'm having pretty regular periods but very light and lots of spotting. I think it's normal to take up to 6 months even though I really worried at first. They will get back to normal with time so please don't worry xx
Oh forgot to say I was on the pill from age 13 ( due to heavy periods) to 27 xx


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