Gagging on stage 2 foods.


Well-Known Member
May 24, 2010
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Poppys been on stage one purée stuff since 5 1/2 months and is now 7 months. She has breakfast and dinner and tried her on stage 2 dinners 2 nights ago. She just won't eat it, shell sit there with the food in her mouth crying yet eyes Out and refuses to eat or tries to eat it and then gags or throws up. With stage 1 shell waffle down a whole jar and loves it, she just doesn't like the lumps at all and o don't know what to do?
Have you tried her with finger food hun?

Try some baton sized steamed carrots, broccoli, sweet potato wedges etc. Let her hold them and feed herself. She'll probably just play with it at first but it will get her used to different textures.
Oscar flat out refuses the stage 2 stuff. He will have a mouthful sometimes, but usually he just smells it and is like 'no way man' lol

He is still on the smooth stuff and loving it, I'm just gonna follow his lead and not make an issue out of it.

I give him toast now, and bananas and those organix carrot stix etc and biscotti so he is getting used to feeding himself solids.

He's really fussy though, likes the same things all the time, like his mum lol. Like breakfast, he will only have yoghurt. Tried him on loads of different things and it's the same story, 1 mouthful and nothing more. Offer him some breakfast yoghurt and he eats the lot every time!

have you tried cooking your own ve like cauliflower and brocolli and mash with a potato mash its lumpy but really soft so maybe easier for her to cope with x
Evelyn point blank refused almost any pureé I gave her unless it was sweet! I found a few Ella's Kitchen pureés she'd eat so i'd give her those and finger foods like what ROL suggested. Evie's fave was chunks of cheese :)

She gagged on stage 2 jars etc too - and still does now. She eats what we eat and always had done :) I was always told to go with the general rule of 'food is fun til one' they get most of their calories from milk up until the age of one so not to worry too much about how much they're eating until then if they're taking milk well.

Have a look into baby led weaning - there's some uselful bits on here:
up Devon did this, we started weaning at 4 mths and so he had a head start, but he only started eating lumpier stage 2 happily about 2 weeks ago at 7 mths, so it took a while. I basically stopped using the puree thing and used our minichopper thing and that made the bits slightly lumpier, but not as much as stage 2. Just try to reduce the gap between stage 1 and 2 and Poppy will get the idea.

I mash potatoes, veg and actually he was fine with normal rice grains!! how i'm not sure, perhaps because they are slippy? he has just started having those baby pasta stars , and they are great too no problem, which I thought they might be. If it makes you feel better I have only just chopped one normally family meal up for him to join us on. My mate brought us a plastic spoon set from tesco (not Tescos own, another make) and it has a curly spoon and and straight spoon and a masher spoon, and it's brilliant! You can mash tiny portions to make them smaller / smoother, best used when food /veg is heated up ready for feed as makes it easier, but brilliant.

Were a bit behind on finger foods, he will only take, banana (if I hold it!) bread, biscotti, he will bite on apple, (If I hold it, too slippy) but has lots of teath so takes too huge bits off and then gags.

When he has had his dinner and pud , I give him a biscotti to eat then, so we are keeping his hand in at self feeding! Going to work out some better stuff for him soon.

You could try more sauces , as they smooth the lumps in the food a bit more , make it easier to swallow? Devon's fav is my homemade cheese sauce , and the pasta is eaten with spagetti bolonaise sauce , which I have chopped up quite small /smooth in the mini chopper, cause it's ok as the lumps are in the pasta.

Oh and try overcooking the pasta the first few times! makes it a bit more soggy.

(I freeze mine once cooked in ice cubes to save faffing - and rice!) looks well strange in the freezer
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Oh I saw those spoons hun, are they good? Xx

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