funny cravings


Well-Known Member
Apr 23, 2010
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what funny cravings have you had or have?

I havent had much of cravings, beginning of sec trim i was addicted to a inhaler that made me smell mint all the time. it lasted for about 5 weeks.

I have also had (still have) cravings for burger that is burnt on the edge. I get this now and again.. i want cheese on it but i dont eat the bread or salad. just the burger.

My latest thing is lemons. I eat it like an orange. I sqeeze lemon in my water, in my drinks on my food and also i eat lemon sweets. but best is to just slice it up and suck on it.

a girl i know shes about 10 weeks pregnant, she need to have oranges and a tin of pickled onions and she have half an orange, a pickled onion, half a orange- a pickled onion.. and she goes on like that until shes sick.
most of my cravings were in first tri but i still cant walk past a deli without getting salami i love the stuff could it it till im sick so i avoid going to where it sold now and cream thick cream in the middle of the night is rather lush
I haven't had any cravings yet this time but with Lacey it was mashed carrot and suede!! Yum :D I do fancy fizzy cola bottles this time but it's not really much of a craving, i don't feel like I've got to have it!
All the way through I've craved ice cold cans of coke x first tri I craved blueberry muffins for ages and then cheese and onion crisp sandwiches with salad cream x at the moment it's spicy food I just can not get enough!
i dont really get any cravings either just sweets fizzy juice and crisps lol
I haven't really had any this time. I did have a thing for orange callippo In the 1st trimester going into the 2nd though.

I craved lemons with my first too isobel, anything lemony, from
real lemons to lemon pop.

With my 2nd it was chicken and fried egg sarnies..not together of course lol
raw mushrooms!
my mum had the exact same with my little sister haha
im really wanting milk n a nice hot bath, n im not normally a fan of either, but had nothing until this week....

strange.... lol

i've gone off of more than i have craved!! The only thing i seem to want is ice lollies/ cold drinks i'm not fussed as long as it's cold!!! But i think thats to do with my body temp being high!!!
I didn't think I craved anything, but looking back, I would eat a grape, then a pickled onion,over and over like your friend did with orange. Didn't think anything of it at the time but i wouldn't want it now lol x
Mine were ice cold cans of coke (I never used to like it) and pickeled onions i used to eat them till i was sick :blush: x
I have an urge to have Lea and Perrins on nearly all my food - had some chips that were literally swimming in the stuff, and I reckon it may make salad taste really
Eggs and salad cream .. and when I say eggs .. I mean like I'm going thru 2 or 3 a day!

I also get a really bad hankering for crisps and chocolate .. as in take a bit of one, and then the other and chew them together .. absolute HEAVEN!!
Not really had any :( I want some crazy ones!!

I've lost my curry mojo (which hubby is more upset about than me, but after his amazing sacrifice today I've given him a voucher for a curry whenever he wants one!).

I am wanting chocolate and pasta a lot more though, may be energy boosts.
Strawberry Milkshake/Yoghurts.
I'm usually not a fan of anything strawberry, and usually quite Lactose Intolerant, but my neice got me to buy some little yoghurts and some strawberry nesquick the other day.... MMMM! They're almost gone!
I dont know whether its a craving just yet, i think its abit to early but over the last few days i cant get enough of cherry coke(never drink fizzy pop normally), salad cream and salt and vinegar crisps! x x

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