Funniest thing ever....


Well-Known Member
Sep 27, 2010
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Tonight I went and visited a friend who has a 2 years old daughter, she had apparently before I arrived turne daround to mummy and said Aunty Kelly is coming and she is bringing her baby with her, and mummy replied well I don;t think Aunty Kelly has much choice at the moment :)

When I got there she asked me where my baby was looking very dissapointed so I had to explain that he was still in my tummy but he would be here soon, she wandered off looking a bot confused, came back and asked her mummy if I had eaten my baby and that's why he was in my tummy, I almost fell off my chair laughing.

She had seen the 20 week photo's the last time I went and I think she thought I would have had him by now :).

She then spent most of the night trying to either look up my top or down my top to see if she could see Riven lol it was so cute :)

I can;t wait to have one of those lol xxxxx
ahhh kids "say it like it is" don't they ! My freind has a 3 year old and she had long hair and decided one day to have it all cut short. Her son always sees me at the school run each day, and he had asked he where her hair was, and she had joked , Jenni has taken it! , He was soooo cross with me for ages....
I went to see my mom the other day, and my 7 year old brother came up to me and said "youv'e gotten really fat!" I was rather a taken back but he then went onto say my stomach is moving tell it to stop! I couldn't stop laughing, my brother has learning difficulties so he doesn't quite understand that he's going to be an uncle in 3 weeks!
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I was at my sister's and my 6 year old nephew was helping me put away his toys and he stopped, looked at me and said "I'm only helping you because you're having a baby" :shock:. Needless to say he ended up doing it on his own lol
my 2 year old nephew has taken to lifting my top to try and see the baby and then poking my boobs!!!!!!!! Apparently when his mum was pregnant (new baby is 2 months) they used to lift her top to show him where the baby was sleeping. Apparently my brother has no clue where the boob poking has come from!! mmmmmmmmm

My 14 year old sat next to me on the sofa last and out of the blue turned to me and said "sorry mum I know I shouldn't comment but your boobs are HUGE!". Thanks alot Dylan!
Love it!

We saw our 2 nieces last night. As I walked in the younger one (4 yrs) said "The baby is STILL in your belly?!?!" in total shock!

A while later she whispered to my hubby to "tell the baby to hurry up and come out" and also offered her babysitting services!! Can you tell she's excited for a baby cousin :-)
Kids come out with the best things! Can't wait for my baby girl to say these things to me :)

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