

Well-Known Member
Jun 16, 2011
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I am so desperate to feel the baby kick from the outside! I have been away with work for 3 weeks and my husband is flying out to join me tomorrow for 5 days - I am 22 weeks and when I left home I hardly had a bump but now its appeared and I feel the baby kicking all the time. Not sure though whether he will be able to feel it, he hadn't felt it before I left but im so desperate for him to feel bubs moving around! Sorry - just wanted to share!
I thought I could feel it when I put my hand there so one evening I just grabbed OHs hand and he felt one big kick nothing after that for about a week tho.

Yeah Ash has only managed to feel our LO kick twice, even though she is so active, its just not noticeable on the outside :( fingers crossed your LO gives a nice good kick for him to feel x x
Hope he feels something while he is out there with you! xx
he is more likely to feel something in about 4 weeks or so when baby is alot bigger, he may feel the odd kick before then if the baby kicks very hard, but it will be that small still its unlikely
FX he feels it hun... my OH felt it when I was just over 22 wks. Nothing major, but he could feel the little taps xxxx
Thanks girlies, I know its still quite early for him to feel the baby but we have got 5 days together before he is away for 3 weeks with work and I am just being a bit pathetic as would love him to feel the baby before he goes :)
I can totally sympathise. My o/h works away and I was desparate for him to feel l/o before he went back. Sadly he didn't but hopefully he's home again on Friday (fx). He better feel it this bloody time :rofl: x

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