Any1 else not felt baby kick yet?UPDATE PG2-DID I FEEL HER?

Sounds like you did feel her! how exciting!! I'm glad you've felt her move hun, I know you've been worried about it :hug:
~*Leanne*~ said:
well last night i was using the doppler and kept hearing kind of bangs/pops and at the same could feel it so i got OH to listen on the doppler and when i felt it i told him and he said he heard it so do you think it was pink bump kicking?!? :D

exactly the same thing happened with me...

i put the dopler on, and could hear, and felt it 4 or 5times..

then not really anythin again for few days.. not he kicks and wriggles like mad.. i first felt him at 18weeks 2days.. so nearly 3weeks on.. they got stronger after about week and half.. at first its kinda just tapping? hope it gets stronger for you sooner hun, but even mine arnt really strong, and he keeps me awake, always kicks when i lye down, and then starts wriggling like mad at 2.30AM!! lol... try lying on your front, i find this makes him kick a little bit, i found this out when OH was masarging me a lil bit, tryin to be all sexy, and i was like.. GET OFF hes kicking lol... xx :rotfl:

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