frustrated by it all

It's great to have somewhere to say it rather than stew over it & where everyone understands you & are not going to think you are heartless just human.x
Hi dandelion 1,this is my first experience of forums too & have to say it helps a huge amount to be amongst people like myself and people with bigger struggles puts mine into perspective. I had a complete melt down when I found out my sister in law was pregnant. I thought I should be able to deal with it but it's normal we get upset so don't best yourself up about it.

I am glad I am not the only one who feels like this. I've now had two meltdown's due to finding out my sister in law was pregnant not once, but twice in the time I am still TTC my first!! This is my first experience with forums and I am glad there are people to talk to who understand :)
Hi girls

Just sat at work reading all these posts, I am on cycle #3 of ttc and had my fist BFN this morning after a week of sickness, nausea and convinced myself I was pregnant!
How do you get over this and stay positive? I didn't realise how much it was going to effect me but I've been emotional and teary all day - I feel so let down!

Thanks xxx
Hi Carolyn86, sorry about your BFN :( I am exactly the same, I always get incredibly emotional and teary and I've been TTC for 3 years now :( Hopefully having other people in the same situation to talk to will help us all to try and stay positive :) Wish I had other advice to give. . . . . . . hopefully someone else will have!!

Hi Carolyn, I'm sorry you were/are having a rough time. You were asking how we cope - to be perfectly honest, I have at least one totally meltdown day when I get my period. I eat crap, I have a few beers, I indulge in the trashiest tv Channel 4 has to offer...and then I start again the next day. I really go hell for leather for 24hours, holding nothing back (my poor husband, my poor mother!) and then go for a long swim and try to focus on being getting as fit and healthy as possible for the new cycle. I need a project to take my mind of things, so I'm trying to swim a mile at each session I do, and I reckon by the time I've done 100 miles, I'll be pregnant. It's a totally random goal with no basis in science, obviously, but it gives me a focus and makes me feel like I'm doing something positive. So yeah, it's tough, but that's how I'm coping at the minute. Have you got any good distractions you can get into?

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