From miscarriages to miracle - James Michael. Our sticky bean born on Daddy's B'day

Hey Nat :) Hope you and your (not so) little man are doing well? How's the weaning going? What's James up to now?? They're changing so quickly at the moment aren't they?! xx
Hey ceebee,

All is going really well...

I've not updated for a while so here goes:

Weaning has picked up again after a few days of him not wanting anything other than milk. There is still a lot of waste though!
We're doing BLW and the list of stuff he has tried is endless.... Highlights have to be steak!! I cooked him his very own (cheap - but from Waitrose) steak :lol:

We had a lovely Bank Holiday weekend on Monday James traveled on a Tube, a bus, the DLR, a cable car and a river boat... He'd never been on public transport before.

OH and I went out for a slap up meal last night and left James for the first time. We were only gone just over 2 hours but he was fine.

I'm doing a few KIT days at work this week. Today was my first day and it's been interesting. I really cannot see how it will be feasible for me to go back full time based on today. All was fine until I got home and realised everything I do in a day would now need to be done in an evening????

James is fab! He rolls all the time, he screeches and shouts and blows rasberries - he is proper noisy. He's not sitting yet and still no signs of teething but he is wonderful. He sleeps 9-5am and can be quite restless still but I am used to it now. I am beyond tired.

My moods have been a bit up and down so I am no longer on the pill. I should have started a new pack yesterday and today I have been feeling more hormonal than ever?? I hope it's just the nasty synthetic hormones disapating.

I have been eating so much crap and generally not taking great care of myself so I look like shite. Hoping to draw a line under it all from the weekend and get myself mentally and physically back to my best! It's hard with so many demands in my life but I am sure I can do it.

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Well done with the weaning so far, stick to it you're doing superbly. I hate te idea of returning to work and feel I'm currently delaying the inevitable by taking 4 months additional leave with no pay (no I can't afford to do it, but with all Jacobs hospital appointments it's not feasible for me to return just yet.) sorry your not feeling your best hun, and that you're feeling so hormonal, really wish I could help. Really need a catch up hun, send us a private msg when you get chance x x
Hey hun well done on managing some KIT days, I don't even think I can face that yet! :shock:

James is coming on leaps and bounds! Seems such a happy content wee man.

Lucky you with no teething, I find it a fight to get J fed these days because even when he has a bottle the hand is in the mouth LOL.

Glad your gtn on so good. Hopefully james gets so active he will start sleeping longer, esp for when your back at work!!

Hey sounds like you and James are doing great with the blw :) Can't believe he ate steak lol! Sounds like it's the right weaning for you guys...

I know what you mean about noisy babies - Harry never stops talking and making noises. It's like hes's saying 'don't forget I'm here!' - as if we could!

I can't imagine working and caring for a baby full time - how do people do it??

Glad coming off the pill sounds like a good idea - have you tried the coil? The new type? Apparently they're quite good although there's still some hormones in them I think. We're just using old fashioned condoms, which aren't ideal but I don't do hormones. Part of me misses the ttc sex where no contraception was great...! Hope you feel less hormonal soon...

Enjoy the sunny weekend hon! :) xxx
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Thanks ladies,

Sal you must think I am so rude as I've not accepted your FB request.

I only set up the account to have a quick chat with Netty. I don't actually want anyone to know I am on FB (I had so much trouble with a guy I used to work with years ago - long story!!)

I am not even friends with my Mum so please don't be offended!!

I am feeling loads better, just goes to show how many chemicals must be in those nasty synthetic pills!!! Yuck!!!

We're going to use condoms and hope for the best. We rarely dtd the anyway so that's contraception enough LOL!!

James is down for an hour so I am going to do some chores, have some breakkie and we'll head out a little later...

So happy to see the sun shining this morning, it makes life so much easier!

Nice to see your feeling better sweets I will be on later if you fancy a natter I was occupied with Chinese food last night lol! I xx

:whistle: fapatalking :whistle:
I've never tried the piill. The implant was bad enough for me! The hormones is horrible!

Glad your feeling better - todays post was uber chirpy LOL!

Awe Hun, not to worry that's totally understandable, I'm not offended. Glad you're feeling a little better now. As for contraception, I was breast feeding for the first 8 months and didnt have a cycle, and I've now had 3 cycles since stopping feeding, I suffer really bad with cramps infact like my mom who had to have an early hysterectomy to stop hers all together, and the pill is the only thing (other that being pregnant) that stopped that. Although I won't be going back on it just yet. X
I knew as soon as I stopped taking the pill I'd feel a lot better.

We dtd this morning, used a johnny though so all good.

We've been out all day. Ended up at Granny's for dinner which saved me cooking.... Bub in bed, OH watching footy so I am having a glass of vino on the balcony :lol:

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Oooohh... And que the danger pokes :p

Hope you had a nice night. Such a glorious day and I'm stuck in bed with a kidney infection! Argh!

Hope you are feeling a bit better today Claire?

Another baby would be a blessing but it's just not the right time. We need a good year of me being back at work to top up savings and we also need to move.

Plus I love James so much I just want to dedicate all my time and attention to him.

I know I have the capacity to love another baby (one day) and I know that if we can then we'll def have another but I can't imagine it being as special as it was with James?

Every 'first' was truly amazing and you don't get that with subsiquent children?

As I say for the time being we're just going to enjoy being a little foursome [I have to include the bloody cat as she is more hard work than the baby is LOL]

Lol, bless I know what you mean about your cat, my dogs are the same lol. I think I'm at the stage that I wanna think of another if I'm lucky enough to have a second miracle. Jacob is 10months now which would give us rought the age gap we wanted, but that like I say is if we're fortunate enough to have another. My big fear though is losing any more. We appreciate jacob so mich and jnow how licky we are to have him, I'd just prefer him not to be an only child, my little cousin just lost her 9 day old baby which is enough to petrify anyone. X
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Yeah had some cocodamol last night and it sorted the pain if it comes back I will deffo see DR.

I know what you mean about the cats. One if mine is flying around the house mental and J is in bed sleeping. She's such a night hawk! xxxxx
Not posted any pic's of late!

Here is bub today


Fatty is now 17lbs 6oz and for first time ever he has hit 50th centile.

He is sleeping a bit later too, this is him this morning and we'd been up for an hour :lol:


Weaning is going OK, he's having a few 'off' days so not enjoying it very much the past few days but hopefully he'll start to have fun with it again soon

Aw he's so sweet glad to hear all is well x

:whistle: fapatalking :whistle:
He's like J though seems quite petite even though I imagine he is heavy. J got weighed yesterday - 15lbs he's on the 50th centile aswell I think..

Well done james! I love how he has taken over your bed LOL xxxxx

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