Frer 10dpo anyone???

this might help hun xxx

Pregnancy Test Sensitivity Chart

Sensitivities checked with manufacturers in July 2008Test NameLowest hCG detectedAimStrip (aka AimStick) Pregnancy Test Strip20 mIU Buy Here!BabyHopes Generic Pregnancy Test Strip20 mIU Buy Here!AccuHome Midstream Pregnancy Test25 mIU Buy Here!Accuclear Pregnancy Test25 mIUAnswer Early Result Pregnancy Test25 mIUClearblue Easy +/-25 mIUClearblue Easy Digital (1 piece, blue cap)25 mIUClear Choice w/ Cup25 mIUConfirm 1-Step Pregnancy Test25 mIUCVS Early Result Pregnancy Test25 mIUDollar Store Brand (mini-strip, cassette, & midstream)25 mIUEarly Detect25 mIUe.p.t. +/- Test25 mIUe.p.t. 1-Step Digital Test25 mIUe.p.t. Certainty Digital Test25 mIUEquate +/- (Wal-mart)25 mIUEquate Pregnancy Test (Wal-mart)25 mIUFact Plus Midstream Pregnancy Test25 mIUFirst Response Early Result Pregnancy Test25 mIUOne Step Be Sure Pregnancy Test25 mIURight Aid Pregnancy Test25 mIUTarget Brand Pregnancy Test25 mIUWalgreen Midstream Pregnancy Test25 mIUWalgreen Digital25 mIUFact Plus Cassette40 mIUClearblue Digital50 mIUCVS "Early Result" Cassette Pregnancy Test50 mIUDrug Emporium Brand Pregnancy Test50 mIUearly Pregnancy test50 mIUWalgreens Cassette Pregnancy Test50 mIU

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So they're 25miu/mil??? I thought they'd be 15!!! x
me to im very suprised!butterfly boo got her bfp with baby hopes xxx
i think im out too......12dpo....gettimg cramps like the witch is on her way...still got bfp symptoms but bfn on i think she is on her way.

if she arrives tomorrow...thats me back on 28 day cycles...every cloud and all that xxx
Good luck testing, your def not out yet!!

Asda are 15mIU and supedrug are 10mIU. Surprised at CB being 25mIU!
i'd agree with amy and say the FRER are still the best but pick up at different times for different women. best of luck hunny xx
I never got my bfp with a FR until nearly a week after af was due xx Tesco test picked it up a few days earlier xxx but the line was very faint xxx
Thanks ladies, just been to asda and got some 15miu/ml, I'll try one of those fmu x
Just did, it was really diluted and bfn, I think I should accept defeat x
i have accepted defeat cosmic....... :( it's our turn next month... ;) xx
Tesco own brand worked for me at 11dpo, very faint line but it was there. Not sure what miu they are x
Thanks princess, I'm doing an asda own brand 15miu/mil with fmu tomorrow. If there's no line on that then I don't think it's hopeful x
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Got everything crossed for you Cos! Really hope you get your BFP! xxx've had a live BFP tonight...did that not supress your appetitie for sticks xxx ;)

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