clearblue 6 days before due AF


Well-Known Member
Dec 27, 2010
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If you do a clearblue test that says on the box you can use 6 days before period and it is BFN, are you definately out??? I dont know whether I believe these early tests but they must work mustn't they??? Has anyone ever had a BFP 6 days before AF is due????
they say only about 40% get a BFP 6 days before its for the most far too early x
good question as i just got a bfn on first response 6 days before af is due, i think it must be right, right? xx
I dont believe them personally (or maybe thats because it didnt say what I wanted it to say!).....
I believe mine sadly! :( don't get me wrong tho, I'm
Sure il testvsgain before AF..just in case! X
I think its best to leave the CBD until AF is actually late... I dont trust them! I got a stupidy faint line 4 days before AF due on an ebay cheapie and did a FR and got a line, faint but very noticible!! I would stick to FR and even then, only use it when you get a faint line on a cheapie - saves wasting money! I got a BFN 5 days before AF was due.....hang in there girls.....
You are both still in, with you testing 6 days before af, your homones might not be strong enough for any test to pick up.
I didnt get a +tive till a week after my af was due with my last pregnancy.
Goodluck ladies, ive got my fingers and toes crossed for you x x

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Thanks girls! I know it was do silly to waste a FR! Never mind, we learn!! Xxx
yeh defo wait till ur ''late' as M2A says ur not out yet!!!! xx
I'm sure I'm out, got the most terrible pain down my left side into my thigh, thats got to be the witch poking me with her broomstick :witch:
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Hi hun it wasn't clear blue I used but a diff early test that said up to 6 days before. I tested 4 days before and got bfn and then tested 2 days before and got a bfp!! So don't give up! X
Hi hun it wasn't clear blue I used but a diff early test that said up to 6 days before. I tested 4 days before and got bfn and then tested 2 days before and got a bfp!! So don't give up! X

Oooohhh that's good news, I hope that happens to me xx
The stupid thing is that even though ive got af pain and am due on on the 14th, I am still tempted to do my other test in the morning. Mustn't.....pee.......on.........a..............ssssssssstick.....
What makes it worse is that every Monday morning I work in a community clinic and the walls are like paper. The midwife does her anti natal clinic next door and all I hear all morning are little babies hearts beating, I'm soooooooo broody it's untrue xxx

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