Freaking out **update page 3, think it's all over :(**

:hug: :hug: :hug: I really hope everything is ok for you, rosebay. You have sent me such supportive messages when I was expriencing doubts and bad times. I have had two seperate heavy bleeds, one with lots of pain, however my little bean is hanging in their. :pray: :pray: that this will be the way for you too. Will be thinking of you during your agonising wait. :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
Thinking positively for you Rosebay :hug: :pray: :hug: :pray: :hug:
Can't believe they didn't send you EPU today or tomz, lots of women have scans before 6wks, that seems unfair. I do hope your parents have helped keep your spirits up, very best wishes :hug: :hug: :hug:
Oh no!!! I hope everything is ok for you hon, I'll :pray: really hard for you!!!

Maybe its just your body readjusting to things, do you have cramps and stuff at all...

:pray: Please let it be ok...
I was told by my GPs last time if there is bleeding then there is not much they can do but on a personal note the nurse told me that I should get myself straight to A&E if there is any such occurrence. She said once you are in A&E they will do a scan (not on a sunday as they dont have technicians then) but they have to do one especially to rule out ectopic. I had no idea what an ectopic was then (it was my first preg) but I told the lady I did not have any odd pains - she told me (doc) that they have to do a scan to make sure this is not ectopic as a precaution.

When I was there last time in October, they did my bloods which included HCG, Blood Group (to rule out rhesus - ), scan, examination and HCG again in the next 48 hours. They wanted to do an internal examination too but I was not up to it emotionally so we skipped that.

It is unfair you have to wait this way. If you feel you need to go and get it checked out get yourself to A&E because they have to make sure you are ok also. I know everywhere is different but there is no harm in trying....Sorry you are having to wait but I hope this is nothing but a scare. Praying for you hun :pray: :pray:

thanks for the vibes and thoughts ladies, it means a lot knowing you're all thinking of me.

Sadly I think it's all over as I'm bleeding properly like AF now with bad pain too :(. I'm still only taking paracetamol just in case but I really don't think there's much chance of things being ok.

My Dr said that if this happened to wait 2 weeks then do a HPT again but I think that the chances must be pretty slim really.

Trying to be brave!
I'll be back soon ladies, in the meantime I wish you all an easy, stress-free 1st Tri and pregnancy

:hug: to you all
Thinking of you. So sorry you're having to go through this. xx :hug: :hug:
So, so sorry your having to go through this. Don't give up hope until you know for sure. Keeping everything crossed fot you. :pray: :pray:
My thoughts are with you hon
Having been there myself i know what you our going through.
You be back in no time
Youll miss your little one forever but dont give up it will happen
You'll be a mummy one day
LOL Sarah :hug: :hug:

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