10.5 weeks - it's all go!


Well-Known Member
Jun 22, 2007
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Hi All,

Hope you are well. I've had a week off so not been around this week at all really!.

I'm 10.5 weeks now and this week has felt a bit different to previous weeks. I'm feeling sick quite a lot, but especially around food, can't stop weeing and although I feel knackered, I just can't sleep LOL.

I feel like there is constant pressure on my bladder which I think is quite cool to be honest as to me it means the baby is growing well and everything is ok.

We have out 12 week scan soon which we cannot wait for! It's going to be so exciting even though we have had 3 scans in 3 weeks because of bleeding.

I still have brown discharge but I'm not worried about it. I had a swab taken by the Dr on Tuesday to check for infection but not heard anything back yet and Dr said at the time that it all looked nice and healthy LOL.

Anyone else here that is around 10-11 weeks that's constantly on the loo (but half the time not actually doing anything - :rotfl: ) and also JUST started feeling sick all the time?
i'm always bursting for the loo but it's just a trickle :rotfl:
I'm not so bad during the day, it's at night that's the worst. I get up around 4 times and when I get up in the morning I'm bursting..almost didn't make it the other day :oops:
ello preggy twin :wave:

im on the loo , think ive got a small infection as im loosing quite thick discharge :puke: :oops:

my acidy chest is causing my sickness more , but consultant just gave me some pills so as long as i can swallow them and keep them down im hoping to feel better soon !
LOL @ preggy twin! :rotfl:

Have you been to the Docs Gem incase you have an infection?
no , scared they'd put me on anti biotics , and im really struggling to swallow pills at mo without heaving , and my acid pills are more important lol so just gonna try drink loads and flush the buggar out !
Do remember though Gem that an infection can be harmful to the baby so it's always best to get it checked out. xx

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