Help I'm Freaking Out!


Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2007
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I woke up yesterday and found lots of brown discharge when I went to the loo. It was there all day until about 6ish and then it seemed to slow down. I've only had one tiny but this morning but I'm really freaking out. I have a routine hospital appointment tomorrow which I think is to take bloods as midwife did not do this at booking in. I'm just hoping that I can hold on until then and that nothing else happens in the mean time.

Trouble is this is exactly how my miscarriage started last time and to top it all off we are supposed to be flying to America for two weeks on Wednesday.
:shock: I'm so scared :cry:
Sorry to hear what you're going through :hug: Fingers crossed as it's just been old brown blood, not fresh and that it's stopped this morning is a good sign. Do you have a number for your midwife that you could ring for reassurance? Look after yourself and all the best for your appointment tomorrow.

Sarah x
Hiya hun, just wondered is this the time you would have had your period? I had a day of light brown discharge at around 8 weeks and then 12 i figured it was just my body thinking it had a period still!

Try not to worry

NW1 said exactly what I was going to say, brown blood can mean old blood so try not to worry.

I hope you get some clarity tomorrow :hug:
Hope everything is ok, as the others say brown blood is ok. I know it's hard but try not to worry and make sure you relax. Keep us posted x
Hiya hun im sure everything will be alright...

I had a m/c last october and mine started in a simular way to what you described, but as a couple of people have said above brown blood is usually old blood, so long as its not accompanied by any pain i'm sure you've nothing to worry about it.

I had a little bleeding last week also, it was litteraly the tiniest of blood, which was a light reddish/peachy colour which terrified me due to my m/c last year but everything is fine and i've been told by my doctor & the hospital that around 4,8,12 weeks its very common for women to show a little blood, so try not to worry (VERY hard I know!!)

Good Luck 2mo :hug: xx
Thanks for the reassurance ladies. I havn't had anymore today so I'm crossing everything for my appointment tomorrow.

Hiya hun, just wondered is this the time you would have had your period? I had a day of light brown discharge at around 8 weeks and then 12 i figured it was just my body thinking it had a period still!

Thats a good point NW1. I didnt have any discharge at 8 weeks but maybe it is linked to my period. Lets hope so. My appointment is at 4.30pm tomorrow so I'll update you after that.
Well, we went for my hospital appointment and we had a really lovely midwife who totally understood my concerns. She said that she needed to speak with a Dr and disappeared. She came back a few minutes later and said that there was a really nice Dr who was willing to do an ultrasound for me to put my mind at rest.

Within a few minutes the Dr arrived and up popped bubba on the screen all healthly and kicking. The Dr was great and even printed us off 2 pictures free of charge!! The feeling of relief is just fantastic knowing that everything is ok. So, I can go on holiday on Wednesday now feeling relaxed :D

By the time we get back I'll be in second tri (week 14) so I'll say my goodbyes now and see you all in 2nd tri :wave:
Thats great news, it must have been brilliant seeing baby kicking away. Have a great holiday. :D
That's great news Petal! So glad the managed to ultrasound there and then and put your mind at ease before your holiday. Have a lovely time and hope to see you in second tri when you get back!
Sarah xx
I'm really chuffed everything went well and you got an extra peek at bubs! :cheer: xx

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