Found out yesterday

Hon sezzy im sorry :( That is so frustrating. Why does that mean you have to wait (vs having a natural complete miscarriage)?

I hope you’re feeling all right.
She just sad they advise waiting for a cycle before trying again, I don’t know if it’s something to do with the womb lining.
Hi Sezzy, they do say just wait one cycle because it just gives your body time to get back to normal so that you don't catch and you body cant cope with it if your lining hasn't had chance to build up enough etc - It can take 3 weeks for the pg hormone to drop enough that it wont show positive on a pg test (that's what happened with me on this most recent one so I'm living proof). I don't know if you've made your decision fully but medical management is a good way to go if you wanted it to happen more naturally. Basically they give you a tablet to make your hormones drop then 2 days later you have another tablet (or vaginal pessary) which basically makes your body contract and go into MC - my most recent one I did this and MC naturally at home during the 2 days before I even had the 2nd tablet so didn't need it. That felt much more natural for me and has allowed my body to get back in shape as it needs to.

On the other hand, others have said your body wont catch if its not ready anyway so just try when you want to. From (lots of) experience, I would say our bodies are pretty incredible things when it comes to their resilience in these situations but they do need a chance to should get a period 4-6 weeks after you finish bleeding from the MC so it's not a horrible amount of time to wait, although I totally get your need to crack on with trying so of course its your choice - I hope you feel ok about the MC, I'm sorry you are going through it xx
Very sorry for your loss, sending lots of hugs.

I was 19 when I had my miscarriage, we went to the scan and there was no heartbeat. I was in pieces, so I don't know if the midwife didn't mention it or if I just didn't hear, but they put me into a room at the side and gave me a tablet and told me go to back in 2 days if nothing had happened (which it hadn't).

I'm bringing it up because it never occurred to me that I could walk away and wait for it to happen naturally, it's making me think now how it would have been.

I did go back after the 2 days and they put a pessary in at 10am, by 1pm I ran to the toilet because I felt a tiny 'pop' in my belly and everything came away in one go.

It's never a nice thing to go through, but I was grateful I'd had the warning and that it was over and done pretty quickly in a controlled and supervised environment. I'd make the same decision again in the same situation, but I think I'd agree with you if I was actually TTC, let it come away naturally and let your body heal at it's own rate.

If you are in a situation where they are insisting you take the medicated route for your own health, it's quick and painless, at least it was for me, so I hope that can bring you at least some comfort. I remember the 2 days of crying and vomiting in between the two hospital visits, I just wanted to get it over with, the pain of having a baby in there knowing you'll never hear it cry was unbearable. I took the quick and easy option so I could begin the healing process.

I'd found out at my 12 week scan that we'd lost the baby at 9 weeks, so I was at least 3 weeks without anything happening.

It's only your decision, so go with what you feel is best.

I'm very sorry for your loss :hugs:
I was given the option of waiting for it to happen naturally but I really don’t want it dragging out for weeks and weeks, we’ve booked a last minute holiday in 6 weeks time so want to be feeling better for then.

None of the options sounded great to be honest, I’ve heard the the tablets can make you feel quite ill and can sometimes take a bit to happen or even not happen at all.

I didn’t want the surgery option due to the risks.

The MVA option doesn’t sound the most pleasant but atleast it’s over n done with without the risks of surgery.

We are going to wait a cycle because I’d blame myself if it happened again.
I hope it goes as well as something like that could.
Sending hugs :)
And I hope you enjoy your holiday! A well deserved break :)
Just passed something that looked like the sac so I’m going to ask them to scan me first thing morning
So sorry for your loss I had a medically managed miscarriage yesterday I wasn’t as bad as I expected.
I’m doin ok. I’m just numb I had a scan at 7 weeks there was a heartbeat everything looked good then went back at 9 weeks 4 and the baby measured 9w2 and no heartbeat
To be fair it was but it just wasn’t meant to be I think we are going to have a break with trying while we have tests done and what for the results of the testing of the tissue
Sorry to hear that Lucy :(

I had the MVA procedure, not the most pleasant thing but at least it’s over. We’re going to wait a cycle before trying again.

Hope everyone’s doing ok.

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