Found out yesterday


Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2014
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Had an early scan yesterday at 8 weeks to find out that the sac measures no more than 6 without a heartbeat, they can't confirm miscarriage for two weeks due to stupid rules even though the sonographer said there's a lot of blood around it so it's likely to happen before I go back for a repeat scan.

My question is how quickly will my hormone levels drop so we can try again, is it wise to take a pregnancy test after any bleeding has stopped?

I'm sorry love you are going through this it's truly awful and my heart goes out to you. I've had three losses and on one of the I remember that I started bleeding and the same day it was negative. Another one took a week and my final one was a MMC and took ages to come away think the gestation of that was 5-6 weeks and it was week 11 when it came away and think it was 2 weeks after that one. I think they are all different. Sorry again xxx
So sorry that you are going through this.

Take good care of yourself xx
Thanks I'll just wait and see what happens, if it doesn't happen before I go back I'll see what advice the EPU give me as we're really keen to get it over with and try again.
I'm so sorry for your loss :( Like Sarah said, some women won't actually miscarry until their HCG levels are below the limit to even get a positive test. But for some it lingers for a long time. Only time will tell for you.
Sezzy I'm so sorry to hear this. It is absolutely devastating.

I started spotting brown, and then the next day had an hcg draw. The level was just 21, and the day after that draw I started bleeding heavily. A few days after the heavy bleeding started, the pregnancy test I took was a stark white negative. I do think it is helpful to take a pregnancy test until it's negative, just so you know for sure for when you start trying again. I've read threads from women who get a BFP and are unsure whether it's residual HCG from a miscarriage or a new pregnancy... so it's nice to know for sure that the test has gone back to negative before you try again.

I am so sorry. When I had my miscarriage I cried a LOT and I also told a lot of (close) people. Both of those things helped. I hope this is a straightforward and physically painless process for you. It is just horrible and I'm so sorry.
I had a similar thing to you, although I was 12+1. Had to wait for another scan in two weeks. Never made it that far, as miscarried in the week inbetween.

So sorry you’re going through this. We do have a thread about trying again after miscarriage. Feel free to join us when the time is right for you.
We're obviously not at the stage yet but is there any risk is trying again as soon as this is all over or do I need to wait for a period first? I've read some stuff online about the uterus lining not being ready straight after a miscarriage.
I don't think there is any reason not to try right away unless you have been told otherwise. With one of my mcs I was given clomid to take right away so they weren't worried about getting pregnant straight after (although it actually took 10 months for it to happen even with treatment, so wasn't an issue anyway for us). It can make dating more difficult as your ovulation may be delayed or different from usual, but that is fairly minor.
MIL has told DH to give it a few months to let me back to normal, it isn’t bloody her decision!
There’s no reason to wait. Actually studies have shown if you get pregnant in the next six months you are less likely to have another mc
Oh I hate that! So sorry your MIL said that :(
I decided not to wait before ttc. There seems to be no real scientific evidence that there is any risk to getting pregnant again right away. And if you get pregnant within 6 months there is a much higher success rate.

Best of luck to you.
Haha Akua- jinx!

Best of luck to us all.
I think I may have just started to miscarriage naturally, I really hope so as I really don't want the medication or surgery, I'd love to start TTC again straight away which is only really possible if it happens naturally.
Sezzy, if it gives you any hope I just got my BFP exactly 27 days after my heavy miscarriage bleeding started. I hope the same happens for you. So many hugs.
It's only very light and brownish at the minute so I'm hoping it does get heavier so I don't have to have any hospital interventions.

Congratulations Kholl, I hope all goes for well for you!
That’s exactly how mine started. Going on a long vigorous walk seemed to speed things up too
Went for my second scan today after a week of bleeding and the sac is still there, consultant said she reckons it won’t pass now without intervention (midwife said it would eventually but no saying how long).

I’ve booked in for an MVA on Friday as it sounded like the best option for us.

Really wanted to miscarry naturally so we didn’t have to wait before we could TTC again :(

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