Formula from birth - hospital question


Well-Known Member
May 8, 2016
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For various reason, I'm going to be formula feeding from birth. I haven't discussed with my midwife yet, have heard from a few people that they really do pressure out into at least trying breastfeeding however my question is if I insist on formula feeding straight away, how does it work while your in the hospital? I've been told they won't sterilise or allow you to make up formula so do I buy the prepackaged formula milk to take with me for the baby and give it to them at room temp? What about bottles? I'm a wee bit early and will obviously ask these questions at next appointment but want to be prepared!
You can get little pre made sterile bottles from supermarkets. They are perfect to take into hospital.

I formula fed both mine from birth. The midwives knew this from my booking appointment and were fine, no pressure put on me with them or at the hospital after delivery. They have a choice of which formula you want in pre-made small disposable bottles there ready to use immediately. No need to take in your own. Xx
I formula fed both mine from birth. The midwives knew this from my booking appointment and were fine, no pressure put on me with them or at the hospital after delivery. They have a choice of which formula you want in pre-made small disposable bottles there ready to use immediately. No need to take in your own. Xx

Im not sure that goes for all hospitals though, I think they do prefer you to take your own. My sister in law got them pre packed bottles with teats to go in hospital and then at home just transferred to powder and normal bottles. They tend to sell them in bigger boots and most stores but the big ones do them smaller stores likely don't have them x

Our hospital doesn't provide formula at all. I'd take some pre made stuff with teats on for straight away but then they like you to make up your own and sterilise etc before you leave xx

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OH had to run out to the local sainsburys just before it shut at 11pm as our daughter wouldnt latch and hand expressing was useless so hadnt really fed from 5am until 11pm :( and we were still told they don't provide it! Not sure what theyd of done if the shop was shut!??!! Xx

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Thanks everyone. The ones I've seen in the supermarket so far have just been the little premade bottles but as far as I'm aware they don't have teats or anything provided with them? It looks like you would need to transfer to a bottle. Can't find anything online at all, seems like boots use to sell disposable ones but no longer does?
No idea then. I had my first 2 in different hospitals and they just provided us with them. There was never a discussion about taking our own in. I've since moved and will be at a different hospital yet again so guess I better check before I give birth!
Thanks so much for that JD I've obviously been typing in wrong thing!

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