Formula from 1 week old


Well-Known Member
Nov 15, 2011
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Hello all,

I've also posted in breastfeeding, but I thought also a good idea to post in here.

My Freddie had a very traumatic birth, he stopped moving at 40+10 the day before induction so I went to get checked and before I knew it I had ten people around me rushing me in for a c section. He was taken to icu immediately and is currently still there, but hopefully we are moving to the transitional unit tomorrow before going home.

But, they're seriously pushing breastfeeding on me, which is what I originally wanted, but with the trauma of the birth and the canula still in his left arm he's really struggling to latch.

I'm seriously considering moving to bottle feeding but feel a little guilty and like a terrible mummy if I give in the towel.

Has anyone else bottle fed pretty much from birth? I know how beneficial breastfeeding is but we've had it pretty rough so far and struggling with breastfeeding is like torture on top of everything else :-(
Hello. Oh dear. Sorry that you've had a really tough time of things so far. I've formula fed my little man from day 5. I tried BF and it just wasn't for me. I know people bang on about all the benefits etc... But my little boy is an amazing and healthy 9.5month old little boy! So formula can't be that bad :)
I don't regret formula feeding, and any other children I have will be formula fed.
I think there are so many benefits to FF.
But... Make sure you are 100% sure because when your milk is gone, it's gone.
Have you thought about combination feeding, breast milk and formula altrernating feeds?
What about expressing, and feeding from a bottle if latching is difficult, then once baby is better he may latch?
Is there any sort of breast feeding network to support?

Please don't feel like a failure, or pressured into BF. so many people want to, but don't. Aslong as baby has milk in his tummy - does it really matter how it gets there?xxx
Hey love,

We've been combi feeding since day 4 and it works for my Trey. When I was in hospital with him I felt like he wasn't satisfied on my milk as he'd cry for more after feeding for long periods of time, he lost almost 10% of his birth weight after 3 days and I was so upset as I felt I couldn't satisfy him with my milk, so we combi fed and he's so much more content.

I'm really struggling with bf at the mo as it bloody hurts so I will try occasionally but I mainly express so he is still getting my breast milk. I'm going to go to a support class and just keep trying in the hope it gets better for us.

Everyone goes on about Breastfeeding but there's isn't much to prepare you on how hard it can be, the milk is the most important so getting that to him is more important. As said above talk to ur midwife about support in ur area if you want to perserver so you feel like you've tried everything, ultimately it's ur baby and you need to do what works best for both of you.

First of all, so sorry to hear of your experience. A big hug to you!

Do not feel like you are giving up by formula feeding, you are still feeding your baby, end of story. My son had formula in the hospital at 1 day old as I had no milk and when I got home it was all too much as he was looking to feed and there was nothing in me so we fully switched at 10 days old but he'd been having formula pretty much every day anyway. Yes I felt sad and guilty for a while but he is 7 months old now and it is such a distant memory! Do what is right for you, happy Mummy means happy baby. Best of luck and hope all goes well for you xx
Thanks ladies, he is much more content now on the bottles. I know it will take time to heal but I do feel so sad and like I'm missing out. I missed out on that initial skin to skin contact as well when he was born and it's so upsetting. Ultimately, as far as im concerned the staff working that day saved my son's life and that is the most incredible thing in the world. It just makes me sad that you write birth plans and make considerations for feeding and then due to one thing or another it all goes out the window!!!

We are having lots of cuddles and I try to get skin to skin contact when I can. I'm just really sad :-( xxx
I formula fed as soon as she was born and have a very happy healthy 1 yr old x
Please don't be sad :) it must be so difficult, but main thing is baby gets fed! And if he's more content that's the main thing... You will make up for the skin to skin etc... When he's home you can lye and cuddle him. Main thing is he gets strong to come home cx
Thanks ladies, he is much more content now on the bottles. I know it will take time to heal but I do feel so sad and like I'm missing out. I missed out on that initial skin to skin contact as well when he was born and it's so upsetting. Ultimately, as far as im concerned the staff working that day saved my son's life and that is the most incredible thing in the world. It just makes me sad that you write birth plans and make considerations for feeding and then due to one thing or another it all goes out the window!!!

We are having lots of cuddles and I try to get skin to skin contact when I can. I'm just really sad :-( xxx

You mustn't feel guilty or a failure - circumstances meant that you couldn't control what happened with either of you. I'm just really glad to hear you've gone for the bottle. What is most important is that your son is well-fed and has a relaxed mummy to hold and love him. Breastfeeding is not everything, whatever the hospital says. I'm just sorry there is so little support for mums who really can't breastfeed - all we need is someone to say not to worry and that it's ok not to breastfeed. Because you don't need to worry and it is ok not to breastfeed!

I wanted to breastfeed my LO, but had severe pre-eclampsia and didn't see her for 3 days after my c-section. I had skin-to-skin then but felt quite detached. My milk never properly came in. I struggled to express - tried for 5 weeks, producing less than 5ml a day (didn't help she was in SCBU for 3 weeks). I felt so, so guilty and really crap about the whole thing. But I saw my daughter thriving on the formula the hospital was giving and decided to put the expressing stuff away. It was a like a massive weight had been lifted.

You may feel sad for a little while, but please don't let it get hold of you. You have a son and the formula will make him grow big and strong (my LO was 3lb 11oz at birth and is now well over 20lb at 15 months and healthy to boot - couple of colds and nothing else!).
Im planning on bottle feeding from the beginning, as long as baby is fed then I dont think you should be feeling guilty
Oh I had same problem and just getting over the guilt now. As Anna was in the neo natal like your LO having anti biotics they bottle fed her and I was happy to do so. I did express colostrum and syringed it so she got the 'best' bit I suppose. But don't feel guilty! I spent 2 weeks with the guilt and feeling bad and I thought "she's happy, she's healthy" so I have nothing up feel ashamed about and neither should you. Hope you are both doing ok!! Xxx

Tapatalking so I can't see sigs x

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