For those who have given birth....?


Well-Known Member
Dec 12, 2012
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Hi girls,

I'm currently in hosp being induced. I had my second pessary about 9.25pm and fell asleep about an he later. I've just woken up with the most killer hip and back pain but it's coming in waves so starting, building to a peek and then tailing off so that its just a bit uncomfortable.

I said to the midwife/nurse and she have me paracetamol and dihydrocodine which she says will take the edge off but does this sound like contractions/things r moving in the right direction?

My hubby is obv at home as he was not allowed to spend the night on the ward and I'm panicking incase this is it and he's missing it :-(( x
It des sound like things are starting for you- but don't be too worried, u could still have awhile to go! Try and get ur head down for some more sleep while u can hun & hopefully when u wake up it'll be worth ringing ur OH xxx
Yep sounds like start to me but like GF said get some rest because you could be in for a long day
Hey girls thank you. I did get back over for some sleep and have woken up but no more waves just a constant ache so I assume it was a false start earlier!

Just over an hr til they check me. Fx something has been happening before third pessarybx
Fingers crossed something has started by now, definitely sounds like a good sign xxx

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