What was that all about then...?


Well-Known Member
May 23, 2008
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I woke up at 1am this morning in excruciating pain in my lower back which was coming and building in constant waves with just a few seconds inbetween but not accompanied by any contractions! :think:
My LO was wriggling and going mad everytime the pain peaked which made me think he was feeling it too!!! :(
I spent 3 hours pacing the bedroom and landing holding a hot water bottle on the bottom of my back while my OH annoyingly kept reminding me im not full term for another 8 days so it can't be the start of labor.
I finally decided to take a couple of paracetamol and have a warm bath which eased the pain enough for me to drift off to sleep.
Ive woken up this morning feeling a little sorry for myself and the muscles in my back feel a little bit bruised.

Has anyone else had anything like this before the start of the REAL thing?
tallulah73 said:
I spent 3 hours pacing the bedroom and landing holding a hot water bottle on the bottom of my back while my OH annoyingly kept reminding me im not full term for another 8 days so it can't be the start of labor.

I think I'd have punched him.

Sorry can't really help with your problem though. I've been having some quite hefty BH for a few weeks now, sometimes a little bit like you described, but if in doubt I'd call the midwife.
I used to get this pain in my back.
It used to really hurt but would normally start when I was sitting down.
I think it must of been how baby was lying but it wasen't the start of labour for me.

:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
I had something similar last sunday but I think it was the baby moving - he was engaged on the tusday and had turned around. Doesn't seem to have been a sign of anything else though
ooh i dont know :? i would call the MW and ask x x x

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