For those of us in the 2WW!


Well-Known Member
Dec 6, 2009
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So according to ( the most accurate I found so far...) I ov'd yesterday! That means the countdown has begun! We have gone to :bd: every night since the 22nd... and will be again tonight just to ensure all bases covered! I think a few more times this week just to be doubly sure!

So this is for all you ladies in that horrendous 2WW...I am sooooo excited. Would be the perfect start to 2010! AF is due on 9th/10th Jan so we shall see! Hopefully :witch: will not touch me with a ten foot barge pole! :)

I can feel cramps at the moment quite low down, and some twinges but then again I was like that last month. Could all me in my mind! Have ordered lots of cheapo HPTs and you know I am an outted :poas:. Will keep you all updated, fingers crossed for me, and all others TTC!

good luck hun.

im due to ovulate soon, im late due to my ticker, so hopefully i will be joining you in this 2ww.

ive got a good feeling about this month for some reason, but then i dont as my OH has a very low count x
i will me joining soon af not due till 15th jan but she is def not coming!!!!! we can drive each other :wall2: xx good luck everyone hope 2010 is our bfp
It will do ladies no need to fret! I have a good feeling about this month!!! x0x0
AmIAn due on on the 18 not quite a 2 ww yet think I ov last night as had
pains wishing everyone the best of luck and babydust!!! X x
So... I have had immense cramps today!! Feeling good... very tired though, but I think they might be the Xmas holidays! Ordered lots of tests off Ebay this week, so waiting for them to come through the door then I will be a :poas:. Feeling very positive!!! Hoping DH SUPER :sperm: has done its job! No sickness yet, but it is still very early- but I am hoping I am like mother, and just dont get it! xx

DYING FOR A :bump:!!

:dust: good luck ladies what a fab start to the 2010 that would be
My AF is due on the 1st of january, we :bd: everyday at the time i should of ovulated,

I have been feeling a bit sick & had REALLY bad heartburn which i never get but i have been trying my hardest not to test untill AF is late as i really dont want to see a negative!

I wish the 1st would hurry up & get here!
Hello there, my af is due on the 2nd Jan and I'm trying desperately not to get my hopes up but of course I always end up crossing my fingers! I managed to confirm this month that I actually am ovulating and we were working hard over that period ttc so I guess there's a 30% chance I'm prego! Wouldn't it be great if we got some big old fat new year positives. Happy New Year everyone :)

p.s - think my ticker is wrong dunno how to fix the pesky thing!
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Yeah it does seem to be wrong- I was just looking at that. You will need to go onto the site you made it and play with the dates etc. You girls are due AF before me... I am still in the 1st week of my excited though. Every little pain and I am wondering if that is bubba settling in.

Good luck ladies, keep us updated on this thread! Im off for some Zzzs

havent had no AF pains or anything realy dont feel like AF is coming,

Fingers crossed!
ooooooh ZMD its looking promising. Are you gonna test today? xx
Hope the :witch: has stayed away, have you dona a :poas:
well i was late in ovulating so im just at the beginning of my 2ww!

hopefully 2010 will bring us our BFP!
If I ov on the 27th? Does that mean I am in the 2ww already? I am only guessing it's ov as I had pains in left side for a day second day died day bd on all days side hurt and then again couple days after I suppose only time will tell but keep these hopes up girls this is going to be our year!!!! X x x
Yay two more of us! Welcome... we are in this together! My AF is due on the 10th... I can *test* from the 6th... but I am going to start as soon as my tests come through the door. I am kind of glad they are taking their time as I would have been in the loo non stop. I haven't really had any symptons this week apart from some minor cramps. I dont really know what I am looking out for. Boobs aren't sore or anything, but I am only 6 dpo. XX

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