For anyone who has MC-ed...


Well-Known Member
Aug 22, 2011
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Following on from the lovely thread dysco started yesterday, I wanted to share something with everyone on here who has recently mc-ed or is currently going through a mc.....

I posted this on another thread in response to someone who is going through a really awful experience at the moment, so sorry for repeating myself, but I just wanted to share in case it helps anyone.

My best friend had several miscarriages at varying stages of Tri 1 and 2 over the past 3 years, before she had her beautiful baby girl this year after a very nervous, but totally healthy and natural (e.g. no medical intervention etc.) pregnancy. In going through my mc last week, she said something that really left a huge impression, and something that is so true.

She said that if things had been different, and she hadn't had those miscarriages, she wouldn't have her daughter that she has now - it would have been a different baby. Another name, another face, another soul. Of course, she said, she wished she could have met those other babies, but her path had led her to having her daughter, and even though it was the roughest time of her life, she wouldn't change her experiences because of the baby and daughter she knows and loves so much now.

I know that it's all about perspective, and that during the process of MC it can be blindingly hard to feel any hope, but I just wanted to share that with you as it certainly opened a window for me. Hugs to everyone xxx
That's exactly how u see it now hun . I had a mc and then got preg 8 months later. After a scary and traumatic time I now have my little boy who's 8 weeks old! If the mc had not happened this beautiful little boy would not be here. I couldn't live without him he's my things do happen for reason x
That is so true I have had 3 mc but now I am so grateful because my baby boy in my tum is so precious to me! Xx

Thanks for this hun I know it will happen one day
Thanks ladies - and yep Lynette, we will get there one day soon! How are you feeling today?

Hope you are all having a lovely weekend? I might have MC-d but I still have the appetite of a horse - cue fish and chips and X-factor methinks :-) xx
I have been eating a fair bit abd oh is looking after me as I am still in a fair bit of pain. X factor sounds good to me! X

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