Follow up after miscarriage?


Aug 10, 2012
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Hi, I'm new to this site and I'm looking for some advice. I had a miscarriage at 9 weeks while abroad on holiday last week. The doctors I saw there were brilliant and did scans straight away, and confirmed that I had definitely miscarried. Both doctors I saw while there insisted that I see my own GP on my return the UK to have my blood/hcg levels checked. I returned home on Monday - its now Friday, and it's so far been impossible to get an appointment with my GP - the surgery policy is phone on the day at 8am to get a same day appointment, however every day I phone all the appointments are gone! I did explain to the receptionist what had happened and she took advice from someone in the practice, and told me I didn't need to be seen as a matter of urgency unless I was having 'problems'. It seems that they are not interested as it happened last week. I have never been in this situation before, and thankfully neither has anyone I know so I don't know how necessary it is to attend any follow up appointments? I feel fine now, the cramping has stopped as has the bleeding. Can anyone tell me what happened after their miscarriage, is there a need to attend a doctor? Thanks!
Sorry to hear about your loss hun, but I am glad to hear you were well looked after.

I didn't see my GP after any of my losses as I went directly to the EPU.

It may be worth finding out where your local EPU is and seeing what they recommend?

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I would pitch up in the Doctors, for one it needs to be put into your records,
It might be worth phoning the local EPU clinic to see what they advise...
I had no follow up hun, GP nor midwife was interested. you could try phone EPU and they might book you in for a follow up scan to check everything is gone, but GP will only do the same, they are unlikely to take bloods unless you are hving problems. My follow up scan was not done as a matter or urgency and was 4 weeks after my mmc. Sorry you are going through this hun
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i had no follow up either after both mine unless i was heavy bleeding and in pain they just let me alone to get on with it n tbh that was fine with me but i will suggest u do ring epu and ask for a follow up scan just to make sure all has gone and its on record here in the uk,they didnt check my levels at all i did this my self with hpts and it was 5 weeks before the hcg left my body..

i am realy sorry u have suffered a loss :-( take care and hope ur ok xxxx
I'm really sorry for you loss!

I had a follow up with my Doc plus he rang me at home a few times to see how I was going. It is not needed if cramping and bleeding has stop though. he just wanted to check on me. He did suggest that I keep taking HPTs until I get a neg and if it lasts for longer then a month to come back and get checked again. I only had +hpts for about 14 days though both times so never needed to go back.

I went to the doc's the other day for my daughter. Anyway after waiting for an hour I asked how many people were in front of us. She looked and said "oh you've been take off the list." I got to seen him straight away. It was the truth but maybe you could try that. Maybe it would work out the same if you tried that.
Hey honey, Im really sorry for your loss. Actually Im quite surprised that so many people havent had follow up appointments for checking hcg levels as its important that your levels get monitored and are going down as it could be a sign of ectopic pregnancy if it doesnt go down quick enough. My epu were very insistent on this even when I was not wanting to bother as I just wanted it over.Also if all does not 'pass' then you can have further complications. I had to go in for 2 weeks and get a blood test until my hcg was below 5 then have a final scan. Yes you can do a hpt but that doesnt tell you if the level stays the same for 2 weeks. Also as someone above said the epu gave me a letter to be put in my file which means in the future if I get pregnant again I will have an early scan. I would perhaps phone your local epu. Take care of yourself!! Xxx
So sorry for your loss :hug:

I was given a scan to check I had had a full MC the first time, this was with my local EPU, I think this was only because I had been to see them already for scans due to spotting. With the second MC he said that they dont give scans anymore to check but I was given a blood test two weeks later to check my hormone levels had returned to normal.
I would pester the GP til they see you, it should go onto your medical records and also important to make sure levels have gone down xx
Thanks so much to you all for taking the time to reply to me, and I'm really sorry that you've all had to go through this too - some more than once....what an awful experience :-( I had never heard of an EPU and didn't know they existed until I started reading these forums. Liz Samuel you sound like you have an amazing doctor there - I haven't even met mine yet as I moved down south a while ago and only had the need to join a new surgery when I had discovered I was pregnant a few weeks ago :-( I've actually been experiencing a bit of pain tonight, so think I'm definitely going to go and get checked out - really paranoid about getting an infection! Thanks again everyone xx
Def get anything worrying checked and make sure they book you infor a scan just to check. It won't be done in a rush unless you have pain but you need to know that at you are all ok after this has happened.
When I had a miscarriage I was told to go back a week later. I couldn't face it and as far as I know I'm fine. My periods have started I feel fine.

Good luck hon xx
I had no follow up hun, GP nor midwife was interested. you could try phone EPU and they might book you in for a follow up scan to check everything is gone, but GP will only do the same, they are unlikely to take bloods unless you are hving problems. My follow up scan was not done as a matter or urgency and was 4 weeks after my mmc. Sorry you are going through this hun

Same here.

Sorry for your loss :(
I did finally see my GP but she wasn't really interested, and said they don't do anything to follow up - no blood tests or scans. And she told me the niggling pains I'm having are 'probably normal'. Waste of time!

Sorry hun, if the pains continue go back though and hassle them. Sadly they see so much of it they loose interest, not much comfort for us though! Hope you can try again soon if thats what you want, do stay on and keep us uptodate! x
I did finally see my GP but she wasn't really interested, and said they don't do anything to follow up - no blood tests or scans. And she told me the niggling pains I'm having are 'probably normal'. Waste of time!


Man I don't understand some Docs. I found mine by default when I was preg with my daughter. He was a OB/GYN but his wife cracked a stink and wanted him home more often so he went into being a GP. He's hard to get into and only takes existing patients or if you're lucky and happen to ask for an appointment on a day someone has canceled like I did the first time then you become one of his.

I really hope you find a doc who suits you and listens to you.
I'm so sorry for your loss, especially while you were on holiday :(
I was on holiday too, visiting my now husband in Liverpool from Scotland for 10days when my miscarriage happened, and I was dealt with in the Gynae/EPU Emergency Room in the Liverpool Women's hospital. They did all my scans etc for me even though I have no doctor down here (I have now moved to Liverpool as we got married and it's where I was born)
My GP also wasn't interested when I got back home to Scotland, so no follow up or anything was done. They kinda leave you in the lurch, which is horrible especially as you feel, and rightly so, that your loss is so important and you want it looking into.

I'm sorry again :hugs:
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Thanks, and I'm sorry for your loss too :-( Life is cruel sometimes.

I have also moved from Scotland, due to my hubby's work. It's made this experience all the more difficult for me, as although my hubby is amazing, I have no friends or family around me. I feel so isolated and just can't wait for the weekends when we go home for visits.

You take care of yourself

I'm sorry you feel so isolated :hugs: I bet it means the world to you when you're back with your family. I found my family more understanding than hubby's, which made it hard seeing as I rarely see them :(

I am very sorry for your loss :hugs:

I had a scan at my local EPU about 11 days after my miscarriage to check everything had come away. xx

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