fobbed off again!!


Well-Known Member
May 25, 2011
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so been to see consultant today..after doc told me i was getting reffered for metformin trt. He was absolutely useless..told me pcos is not a disease and that it was completely untreatable?? then told me pcos increases miscarriage rates!! told me i do not need metformin as my bmi is now in the normal range isnt i am classed as overweight! completely refused to help me get pregnant myself and kept saying after the time i have been ttc 3 1/2 years ish i shoiuld be undergoing fertility trt..which i want to avoid if i can get pregnant naturally! then asked me if i wanted some cream for my chin hair DICK! (sorry)) 0 then discharged me and basically told me to piss off and wither get pregnant or accept that the only reason i will get pregnant is with ivf !! xx
Omg he sounds like an arse, Hun what tests have you had? Has your OH had a sperm sample done?

To be honest if they have done all the tests they can do and after 3.5 years you are yet to conceive they may be saying IVF is the next step, however I am not the best person to ask as like you I have been trying for a long time I knew I only had 1 functioning tube and after tests it seems I have a low AMH level, so for me going fr IVF is a welcome step forward means I am closer to getting my end result (hopefully)

Other people on here I'm sure will have good advise for you Hun x
i only have one tube:( my rt one was removed after ectopic . a close family friend died after ivf brought on hormone fed breast cancer so i really want to avoid ivf if i can ..i know thast really rare but i have been pregnant before and im pretty sure i can do it again..and good luck xx
Awww hun *hugs*

There is no cure for PCOS but there is treatment to help STABALIZE it. Metformin. When I was first put on the stuff I hated it but now I love it - my hubby has seen a huge change in me. It's not just used to help you get pregnant but to manage the PCOS especially those whose PCOS makes you insulin resistant.

Try and change docs and explain or see a private family clinic?
Unfortunatly it took me moving across the UK and another 2 years to get treated so hope you just need to change ya doc.

*mega huggles for ya hun*
goodness sounds like a a really horrid dr , is there anyone else you can see, 2nd opinion, there are 3 diff drs at my surgery?x

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