Not sure what to think........ could use some advise


Active Member
Apr 13, 2010
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sorry i have not been on here for a while, but here goes.

i was dx this year with pcos and am now taking metformin 2000mg a day. since i started this i have felt like a new person.

over the last few days i have been having a lot of headaches, feeling dizzy sometimes and having waves of feeling really sick. on tuesday when i was at work i could not stand next to my friend as the smell of her hair made me feel really sick. then an hour later it was fine, didnt bother me.(strange) my hair has gone like straw and i also get some strange feeling in my tummy ,sometimes like a very light crampimg or just a full feeling. i can be fine then boom it hits me.

could it be:- pcos symptoms, the metformin, ovulation ......or could it be.....???

i have been on met for 8wks now and am thinking that if i was going to have side affects, would i not of had them from the start?????

what do you guys think????

many thanks in advance xx
P.S sorry for the long post
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Oooo Do a test, do a test :)

You never know!!

I know some medications can give you the symptoms you are experiencing but as you say you would have felt them way before now considering you have been on them for 8wks.

Don't think such strong symptoms could be ovulation but you never know?

Let us know how you get on xx
whens your next cycle due??? i would test just to be sure i agree with kerieanne i doubt the symptoms are from the meds as youve been on them too long and i doubt they are ov symptoms either but good luck xxx

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