I'm back on the forum :)


Well-Known Member
Sep 4, 2006
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Well last time I was on this forum was in 07 then I had a brake from forum and charting to de-stress myself and try to see if that helped me get preggers.

For those of you that don't know I've been TTC #1 for 7 years now.
In 08 we suddenly had to move from Bristol to near Stanstead airport. Was a stressful move but better from a health point of view.

Since been here I've been not only diagnosed with athritus in my lower spine and right hip but after a year (starting in 09) of blood tests and scans, diagnosed with PCOS.

Of course only having between 1 to 9 periods a year didn't even catch on with the bristol hospitals pfft.
Anyway Harlow hospital put me on clomid and prostegen to start off with. After 6 months of failure and in that much pain I was rushed in for a hyperstimulation scan (negative) they just put me on Metformin.

Well it's been 7 months since been on Metformin (500mg 3x a day) and still no pregnancy but I've had 3 back to back periods for the first time in my life.
However I still always feel real sick all the time, have trouble keeping food down lately and always headachy/migrainey.
Saw hospital on Tuesday and they've given me 8 weeks to get pregnant then they'll start IVF :/

I turn 30 in May and feel like a failure to woman kind for not been able to get pregnant in 7 years :(

Really scared about going the IVF route too as have no idea what it involves and how my body will cope etc and if I'm just setting myself up for more heartache.

The only good thing about the Metformin is I've lost 3 stone in weight since been on it and I'm less snappy but cry more instead :wall2:

Oh yeah adopting is NOT an option due to my partial disability adopting agencies turn me away.

I seriously feel like giving up and saying 7 years is too long and means it's not ment to be so why keep tourturing myself. *sigh* I dunno.

Anyone else had anything similar? How do you cope?
I'm fed up of been ill all the time cos of my darn PCOS.

(ps hubbys end is more than fine as 2 tests showed)
Hi hon, sorry to hear your story.

There are a few of us on here at the moment waiting for ivf/icsi and lou is going through a cycle right now. I hope it doesn't very that far, but we're here if you want to talk about it
Cheers hun.
I'm just scared at what it'll involve as I really don't want to go on clomid again due to the agony it coursed me but I have to OV for the eggs to be made somehow :S
Hi hun,

I can't offer much in the way of support other than to say like the other women in LTTC I think you are amazing!

I know you must go through phases of feleing so crap BUT to have kept going for 7 years?

I have no exprience of IVF myself (although it could sadly be a possibility for me depending on our results next Friday) but I am sure some other ladies cna give you advice.

30 is not old sweetie - you still have a lot of time to find a way to make your sticky bean

Best of luck

Hiya :wave:

I was more shocked at you still only being 30 rather than you being ttc for 7 years lol

I'm glad that they seemed to have got your cycles ticking nicely and i can relate to the metformin. I'm forcing food down for the IVF cycle but honestly haven't enjoyed eating since i started on it xx
Cheers guys *hugs*
Feeling a bit better today after meeting my older friend and getting slobbered by her old horse and having tea and cake in the countryside.

Hehe 30 seem old for me for a first baby but that's mainly cos all around me people are having first and seccond kids from 17years of age and my parents had my brother at 21 and me at 23 and inlaws had 3 kids by 28 :(

Really get's me down - on top of that the gyno keeps saying it'll be even harder if not impossible for me to conceive at all by time I'm 35.

Oh well let's hope something happens in these 8 weeks eh :D
I was supposed to have my first at 25 and my last at 30, just get them all out in one go and then i can hang up the apron strings when i'm about 55 and go off and enjoy life a bit before i keel over.

Now i'm 27 and not a sniff of a baby so i'm starting to fall behind. Not even i can squeeze out 4 kids in 3 years... unless i have twins ofc...

...as you can see i've had too much time to think about these things :blush:

It's actually a good thing that everyone else's kids are a little grown before yours arrive. You either need to get in first, or get in later if you want them to get some attention ;)
As long as there well loved and cared for who cares when we have them but us eh ;)
Update :-

Had day 21 bloods yesturday so got to wait a few days to get those results.
At 4dpo (if I ov which I think I did) I started having VERY sharp pains.
5dpo didn't sleep much due to sharp pains, boobs started getting sore
6dpo not much sleep again as boobs felt like on fire and really hurt
7dpo hubby told me to take a test so I did BFN but still early days. I feel like I should be bleeding - very sore boobs, headachy, cramps and feeling wet down there yet still got a week to go until my AF is due bleh.

Really hoping it's my month but could also be another phantom due to my stupid PCOS. I just wanna cry the week away and stop hurting so much and feeling so sick.
Peppermint tea is my morning friend lately :(
Isn't phantom pregnancy a dog thing? ;)

That happened to my aunt's dog - full term pregnancy and then no pups :shock:

There's not much point trying to read your body unless you know exactly when things happen with OPKs.

Actually my boobs have been really sore since about 3 or 4 DPO which doesn't normally happen... it's just weird how our cycles can be different from one cycle to the next :roll: I wish they'd ease up a bit, i've got a comfy bra on too :)

Good luck for your cycle, but you'll drive yourself mad starting symptoms spotting from 4dpo and testing from 7dpo ;)
Hi psycofalcon, just dropping by to say hi and hope you're ok. If you guys are old then I should be collecting my pension as I'm 32 lol xxx
haha. Unfortuanly OPKs don't tell me if I'm oving cos I never ever get a 2nd line on them. Another day or 2 and I can get my blood results back to see if oved this month.
Oh and any mammal can get a phantom - even horses ;)
I've had 2 over the 7 years :(
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Thanks hun.
woke up at silly hour this morning almost throwing up all over the bed. Woke hubby up when I rushed to the loo :(
Was too sick and crampy to get back to sleep so I'm also grouchy now too :(
Keep ringing hospital up for my test result but they either don't pick up or there buisy bleh!
Update - been in bed most of the weekend throwing up and been feeling real sick and headachy.
Still got REAL sore boobs and cramps.
Now I keep going very hot and sweaty. AF due tonight/tomorrow so won't test until a day late as every time I test in the past I've come on after.
I used to work with a girl who was TTC for over 12 years. Eventually at the age of 34 she and her husband had a beautiful baby girl. This was after 3 IVF attempts that all failed! Her little one was conceived naturally. Theres always hope and you are certainly not to old!

Lots of love and hugs xx

I'm 35 and got PCOS. Have been on Metformin twice a day now for 8 wks and my last cycle was 28 days!!! A good decrease from 44 days last yr xx

I just feel really thirsty, pee a lot and sweat glands in overdrive!!!!!!!

Sent from me xxx
Yay another Metformin/PCOS buddy :)
Did you have long,painful and heavy periods before Metformin when they eventually showed up too?

I've noticed, especially this round that since been on Metformin, I'm only couch/bed bound for the first 2 days and need to change a thick night time pad every hour then on 3rd day I can swap to the ultra ones and walk about doing a few things round the house.

Certainly boosts my mood and confidance up not been stuck in all week :D

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