Fizzy juice and decaf coffee


Well-Known Member
Jun 17, 2014
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Anyone else still drinking lots of fizzy juice and decaf coffee? Always have such a guilty feeling that I'm drinking too much of it but I just can't stop!!xx
I've switched to decaf Diet Coke, but still have the occasional Coke Zero or diet mostly when out and can't get decaf. Coke is the only thing that will quench my thirst!!! Balancing it out with lots of water though.
Have the odd decaf coffee but probably only once or twice a week.
There's nothing wrong with drinking decaf. I have one everyday or every other and I have a fizzy drink most days. I don't feel guilty about it because I still drink other things. Just balance it out hun x
Yes, I'm still drinking Diet Coke, I'm trying to alternate with lemonade or Fanta so I don't take in too much caffeine. I was able to stop coffee completely and only have 1 cuppa a day x
Diet coke contains more coffee than normal coke apparently
I suppose it doesn't really matter as long as you don't go over the 200mg limit a day!
No I don't think it does, was just saying if anyone was watching the contents then diet contains more x
I thought decaf coffee is even worse then ordinary coffee??
I dunno but every brand of coffee, fizz and tea differ anyway so the best thing to do is check the mg of caffeine in each and don't exceed 200mg daily. Also, remember that chocolate has caffeine in and that has to be taken into account! Lol, that's one of the things that sucks x
I don't have decade coffee, I don't see the point in it (I only drink really good and strong coffee) so avoiding altogether. I still drink coke and that's toy fine, you can. Actually have 5 cans of coke a
Day so I don't worry about it.

I drink decaf tea, sometimes real tea.

omalso read that diet coke is worse for you because of what they use to replace the sugar
:lol: I wouldnt get overly hung up over how many grams of caffine you consume. Suppose you could but the worry probably does you more harm than the can of coke, diet coke, tea whatever it is youv drank.

OH and I went through 2L of coke a day when I was pregnant with Jackson, he was fine. I dont drink tea or coffee so thought bloody sod it if I want a can of coke to see me through. Jackson was born healthy, happy and never had any adverse reactions if anything he hates coke (we tried him on it once for sugars when he was in hospital) :lol:

Not that you can always look at it this way, but there are people who put a whole lot worse in their systems and baby is fine so. Not a huge worry. Christ, a few year ago it was ok to have wine during pregnancy and theyv changed it again so, I dont think they can be sure of their own research at times :p

I dont drink full fat coke any more, for the health of my teeth as I wasnt pregnant yet. But Ive just stayed off it tbh because I dont get anything from the full fat stuff taste wise anymore.

However, if one day I want a can of coke or whatever Ill have it. Ive craved Irn Bru which was strange for me as I hated it before. Its calmed down again Ive not had a can in a couple weeks. But zero and diet I drink quite the thing.

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