first tri chat ........

I haven't felt this pukey for a few days now. UGGGH!
God I'm like that, I got really drunk about 2 years ago and peed the bed :oops:
muppetmummy said:
Paradysso..I got the first Harry Potter book out of the library today, thought it was about time I found out what all the hype is about :D Reading His Dark Materials at the moment. Don't normally go for books for teenagers

i thought the same, im really into james herbert and horror novels, but i thought it would be fun trying to finish all 7 by the time i give birth, its going to be hard for me as i have dyslexia and read sooooooo slow. but ive done the first one in a month and its sooooo thin compared to some of the HP books. Im shocked but i did really enjoy it and now ive made my mum read it :dance:

Roll of 5th sept, cant wait for scan, when i rang up to find out when my scan would be as im nearly 11 weeks and hadnt heard any thing, the woman told me i wasnt getting one as i had a dating scan already, but i gave her such a sob story and she must of felt sorry as she booked me in :rotfl:
morning everyone

well had a fairly good day yesterday , wonder if it will last today ?

whats everyone doing for bank holiday ?
Good morning! I'm really tired again today. I had bad cramps yesterday evening. Still having problems with constipation too which doesn't help!

5th Sept isn't long to wait Paradysso, I bet you're really excited! :dance:

I feel a bit quesy this morning, but the sickness seems to get at it's worst around 11.30am each day, and then it goes after about half hour. I'm sure it will get much worse in a few weeks!

ETA: We haven't got a bank holiday up here on Monday, I normally have to work through them anyway :(

Had quite an alright day yesterday. Had midwife app which went really well, and baby Oliver is back in town :dance: He still has to stay in hospital until he has finished his antibiotics whic will be another 2 weeks but after that he will be ready to come home.

This weekend OH is working Sat morning, so will probably do food shop in the afternoon. Sunday I am going to IKEA because I really, really want some meatballs :D Monday the weather is supposed to be nice so will prob have a day out somewhere for the day.
Good news about Oliver! :cheer: :cheer: Your sister must be relieved, must have been hard having to go to a far away hospital when she's already got twins to look after.

I think my nearest Ikea is in Edinburgh, never been to an actual shop before :shock: When I lived in Plymouth the nearest one was Bristol I think

Jamie was playing on the computer upstairs so thought I would take opportunity of a quick bath, anyway Jamie went downstairs to get something and came back up and said, 'mammy it's raining in the kitchen!'.

I jumped out the bath and came downstairs and there is loads of water coming through the ceiling :shock:

Have had to put loads of towels down and phoned my dad, who is gonna come and try and sort it out.
I hope it hasn't done any damage :shock: I would just panic if that happened. OH put a nail in a water pipe under the upstairs floor once but managed to turn off the water before it started coming through the ceiling
Sophie1102 said:
You can now order online and get it delivered from IKEA!!! Yay

only if you live around the london area :x i cant wait for them to deliver every where :dance:

Why do you have to drag kids out of bed on a weekday, then on the weekend they have to get up really early? :x
James had me up at 6.30am today and I feel so tired and a bit sick.

Taking the cat to the vet later this morning to get his booster vaccination, that will be fun! :roll:

The weather is really lovely here today, might even be able to wear some summer clothes :shock:

DH is at work this morning, so gonna have a nice relax before he gets home at 1.30pm. Jamie is playing with his lego which keeps him occupied for a couple of hours. So nice and peaceful here today :D
Our cat Mr Kane behaved fantastically at the vets. He is such a good boy :D He got his injection and we stocked up on flea and wormer so thats him sorted for the year. Good job too at £95! :shock:

Pleased because the fat ginger has lost weight, he was very fat last year at 8.2kg and is now down to his ideal weight of 6.3kg, his diets worked :cheer: :cheer:

Bit miffed cos the vet checked his identichip and couldn't find it, he thinks it must have fell out somehow! I never knew that could happen. Will have to get it redone.

Mr Kane is now sunbathing in the garden, relieved to be home. We're going shopping in Aberdeen this afternoon.
Afternoon girls

Had a huge row with OH this morning over the dog, he's threatened to leave (to be honest he's done it a few times so told him to go) typically he said I have no where to go - thank god the house is mine. Why do men have to be such pigs? He's going out shortly with his mater :roll:

Anyway - I've got loads of housework to do so better get to it :)

muppetmummy - chips just can't drop out - they're under the skin and normally quite deep. Maybe its just stopped working. What a pain to get it redone! I took my fat old ginger when I was probably only just pregnant and he pooed in his box and when I tried to clean him out he stood on my leg with poo on his paws so had to go into the vets with poo on my jeans :oops: I hate taking him to the vets its always a pain.

Babylicious :hug: he sounds like he needs to grow up! Threatening to leave is just mean.

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