first tri chat ........

hi guys.

having an emotional kinda woe is me day lol so trying to kick my a$$ out of it.
I think its just every week the pregnancy becomes more real and therefore the fact that im going to be dingle with a 5 year old and a newborn becomes more real too.! eek!

never mind. onward and forward, i think ill go eat some chocolate or make fairy cakes lol xx
Hi girls

Me too not long before i leave for 2nd tri.
This pregnancy is starting to feel real for me now and i am slightly worrying about the usual things such as whether i can do this, and another one of my main worries is money. People keep saying you will manage but i still feel worried. Sorry for having a moan i will shut up now.
I am on my day off and i still havent managed to drag myself to get dressed so tired.
Ginnymarie said:
hi guys

i have had 2 weeks off and feel soooo guilty, I am e-mailing HR at this precise moment to let them know the situation and see if they can help in anyway atall....i have to run accross a huge open plan staff area to get to the loo and down where i work with students miander through crowds of people/students who all try and stop me and ask for help...just to get to the loo to be sick
argh !

Hi ginnie i have just had my risk assessment done at work and part of it was ensuring that i have access to a loo which is convieniant. So maybe your work place will come up with something for you.
not long for me in 1st tri either! (unless my scan on saturday sets me back) ..cant believe it, its taken SOOOO long but at the same time kinda fast aswell! ....feel like the stress is just lifting...will be better after the scan when i will hopefully get some reassurance that my bub has 2 arms and 2 legs and stuff :pray:
oh and by the way...i have a new symptom now- evening heartburn :evil:
Urchin, think i'm about a day ahead of you, shall we take a joint cake in to 2nd tri in a few weeks...a big, creamy eclair...mmmm there i go again...i'm going to be huge.......... :rotfl:
Good morning! :D

OH and I went to the cinema last night to see Knocked up. OH really didn't fancy it but agreed anyway cos it was my birthday. Well, he ended up crying with laughter through most of it and really enjoyed it.

How is everyone today? I'm feeling knackered as usual :sleep: :sleep:
omg...i had to trek miles to find this thread!! maybe thats whats gone chat!!

how is everyone??

x x x
Good morning! :D

Yes this thread does seem to slip away very quickly!
My sickness has got a lot better the last couple of days, have been making the most of it by trying to get my hole of a house in order.
I have been so sloppy on the domestic front recently. MIL arrived back from Spain yesterday so I have got to get it sorted before she pops in and kicks my ass :lol:
Good morning!! how is everyone?

Its Friday people W00p W00p!!!! :D :D :D

I havent done anything round the house for ages either :( - luckily my MIL doesnt pop round and she's not the tidy type either but I really gotta pull my duster out later!! I usually do it on a Friday night - well since Ive been preggo and not gone to the pub straight after work. How traditions change :rotfl: :rotfl:

Whats everyone doing this weekend??

x x
I'm taking James to a birthday party tomorrow. A couple boys in his class are having a joint pirate party, though James is insisting on dressing up as spiderman :lol:
One of my daughters is going to a party tomorrow and then sleeping over, so we are taking my other daughter bowling. My OH is out that night so i'm going over my SIL which will be good as I won't have to rush home!! Then Sunday i'm doing the ironing, it's covering my 2 seat sofa and is about 4 weeks of washing, there is hardly anything left in our drawers!!!!!
aww you all seem like right busy bee's ive gone and paid all my bills today :(
really want to go see the new halloween film but the cinema near me isnt showing it :( and the others are well exspenive and we will have to pay to get there
manda xx
I've just finished cleaning my house so it looks all shiny and sparkly for the first time in weeks! :cheer:
My task for next week is the ironing, not done any for weeks and weeks! Got two oveflowing baskets to get through :wall: :wall:
I'm having a rest before I pick James up, go to the shops to buy birthday pressies for his friends and go to the library
My hips been playing up the last couple days, I hope it's not the SPD kicking off :x
hello all, why have I only just found this thread!! Sorry I haven't been round much this week...been v.v.busy at work. I have reached 12 weeks though :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:
Got all our friends coming over at 7.30 tonight to share the good news :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:

Hope you're all ok :hug: :hug:
Congrats on reaching 12 weeks! :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:
I get there myself tomorrow.

We took James to his friends bday party today, and whilst he was there OH and I went out for lunch. It was nice to have some time together during the day without James. Doesn't happen very often during the day.
James had a great time at the party, they had a bouncy castle and face painting :cheer: :cheer:
omg muppetmummy do you relise we are 12 weeks tomorrow
its gone so quick
manda xx
Aww, this poor little thread....was all lonely on page 2 so I thought I'd bring it out

How is everyone feeling today?

My evil OH has given me his cold and sore throat, but I can't take the beechams flu stuff he was taking :cry: Wish my nose would stop running :x
EEWW!! Got celery and carrot sticks for lunch. I HATE celery! but making an effort to kill off my cold germs. The black olive humous dip is yummy though :D
this is a quiet chat...
muppet mummy hows your sickness
all I can eat at the mo is still cheese on toast and noodles...
it is easing.
Congrats at getting to 12 weeks happy bunny so excited for you.

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