Glad to hear that Jamie went to school ok, they do look so grown up when they're in uniform!
James has still got another week after this one going to school 9am-1215pm. It's a real pain cos I've got to pick him up, take him home, then take him to the after school club at 2pm so I can get to work at 230pm
Even when he's in all day he'll be finished at 235pm. Good job there's the after school club!
Glad you got to see Oliver, he sounds really sweet
My niece is doing ok at the moment, she had a scan at the end of last week and the baby seems to be doing better so they're leaving it put for the time being. She finally stopped smoking and that has seemed to have worked
I've got to have lunch with James today at the school. They've got this special thing where parents can try a school meal (supposed to help the kids get used to the canteen before they start full time). I already feel sick, and the thought of a school dinner makes me feel even more

When I was at school all the kids who ate school dinners had yellow teeth!

I hope they've improved!