first tri chat ........

Good luck at the doctors gem, I'm sure it will be easy to get rid of.
Better to do it now while you can still see your bits :lol:

How annoying baby! :x That must really mess you up with work now, that's really bad not sending you a letter
Babylicious - I bet you were gutted this morning :hug:

MM - I feel loads happier about Jamie at school now. He looked so grown up and gorgeous this morning. He went straight in gave us a kiss and said see you later, once his friends come in he was off! He stays the whole day right from the start, so we don't have to pick him up till 3:10 :cheer:

Going into town now with hubby to have breakfast somewhere and to look for some clothes that will fit me :shock:

Went to see baby Oliver last night (was gonna wait till today but couldn't resist), he is gorgeous and so tiny. Took him some prezzies and had a big long cuddle of him. Made me really excited that we are gonna have one of those soon :D
Glad to hear that Jamie went to school ok, they do look so grown up when they're in uniform!

James has still got another week after this one going to school 9am-1215pm. It's a real pain cos I've got to pick him up, take him home, then take him to the after school club at 2pm so I can get to work at 230pm :roll:
Even when he's in all day he'll be finished at 235pm. Good job there's the after school club!

Glad you got to see Oliver, he sounds really sweet :D

My niece is doing ok at the moment, she had a scan at the end of last week and the baby seems to be doing better so they're leaving it put for the time being. She finally stopped smoking and that has seemed to have worked :pray:

I've got to have lunch with James today at the school. They've got this special thing where parents can try a school meal (supposed to help the kids get used to the canteen before they start full time). I already feel sick, and the thought of a school dinner makes me feel even more :puke: :puke: :puke: When I was at school all the kids who ate school dinners had yellow teeth! :lol: I hope they've improved!
Well Im back from the docs - She wasnt that bad. I have a nice long course of antibiotics to take - and if it hasnt gone have to go to hospital to have it drained - how gross is that!
Shes also given me some lovely liquid stuff to help me go to the loo - cause as my ticker couldnt be more accurate!

Joys of Pregnancy!
aww bless ya hun i had my first poo in 4 days today it was heaven lol
sorry tmi
manda xx
I have felt so uncomfortable! I eat a bowl of albran everyday and eat tons of fruit all day! Nothings worked so far its been 4 days....(tmi :oops: )
Hope this stuff sorts it out!
lol at manda :rotfl:

Gemma hope it heals quickly - i've been having the trots instead and the worst smelling wind ever :oops:
MM - glad your niece is doing better and baby is ok.

Gemmap - glad you have something to take and hopefully you will feel better soon.

Manda - congratulations on your poo! :cheer:

lol thanks all im just hoping i dont have to go anougher 4 days now!!!!
must speak to midwife when she fones about it as surly 4 days aint good at all
manda xx
I'm having trouble going as well, Since Saturday I have been completely blocked up so my boyfriend got a lovely text about an hour ago saying "I did a poo- YESSSSS!!!!"

Romance isn't dead..... :roll:

Definately back to work/school today :cheer: so won't be around.

Have a good day everyone :hug:
Grrr what a nightmare morning I've had.
I woke Mason up and he had a really bad sounding cough, and he said he had a sore throat. He felt a bit hot so I gave him some calpol.
I was gutted he was gonna miss his first day (same school, new teacher) I thought he'd miss being shown where everything is and sitting on the table he wanted to etc :oops: I rang the school and said he'd not be in.
I kept asking him if he really felt like he couldn't go to school (he's been nervous about going back) but he had a really croaky voice and stuff so I thought he was ill.
at 8.45 he admits he doesn't have a sore throat, just a croaky voice!!! I ran around like a fool doing his sandwiches and stuff and getting him dressed so he could go.
He did have a temp when he woke up but as soon as the calpol kicked in he was absolutely fine!
I had to rush o the school and take him into his classroom late, how embarrasing! :oops:
Urchin hope you have had chance to relax a bit now :hug: They definitely know how to work you don't they? Hope everything is alright and he has a good day.

Today is my first proper day all to myself for over 4 years! DH is back in work, Jamie is at school and I am having a cuppa, some toast covered in nutella and having a catch up on here before I clean up so I can have a snooze this afternoon. Ahhhhhh bliss :D
I had a snooze for an hour this morning after taking James to school. Todays my day off work, and I'm knackered. Feel like the past few days of working and going to bed late have caught up with me.
Feeling sick again :puke: :puke:
Doesn't it feel like proper luxury being able to have time to yourself. I tidied up this morning after dropping Jamie off at school and then have just pleased myself :D Got to eat my dinner in peace, got to browse on here and just relax.

Hope the sickness eases up for you soon, you sound like you could do with a day of from it :hug:

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