first tri chat ........


I actually feel quite normal today :shock: Don't feel sick, don't feel too tired, apart from my clothes feeling a bit snug, everything else seems to have settled down. Really hope I am turning a corner now :D

Hope everyone is feeling well today, anyone got anything exciting planned?
I'm feeling pretty good today, Fifi! Absolutely starved, and I can't stop eating, though. :oops:
I'm just going to veg out today, work a little bit on my writing, have a nice shower and drink some tea. :D
I am sooo bored! Gonna do myself a fish finger buttie for dinner with salad cream, yum yum :D

What writing are you working on Oingo? (sorry if I'm being nosey :oops: )
I'm at work really bored. I've stopped meeting my friends for lunch because I don't think I could sit and have girly chats with them for an hour and not tell them- I'm sworn to secrecy by my mum and OH! x
I've been feeling really ill the last couple days. Yesterday I was vomiting for most of the day and couldn't even keep water down. Was too ill to even turn the lap top on!

Have managed to keep some food down today but still feel sick, and exhausted. My appetite isn't back to normal yet.

I saw the midwife yesterday and she was lovely. Not much happened though. She gave me all the bounty stuff (been too ill to look at it yet!)and asked me questions about my last pregnancy and medical history.
She said I can give birth in the maternity unit in the next town (where they have a birthing pool) instead of going into hospital in Aberdeen.

I won't give any blood for testing until she next see's me at 16 weeks
Sorry you haven't been well, was it morning sickness or a bug? Hope you get your appetite back soon :D

Glad everything went well with the midwife and you have a nice one, it makes it so much better doesn't it?
thanks girls :D I'm not sure if it was a bug or not. Could well have been as I felt so ill!
Hi everyone,

Haven't been around the last few days as we have been quite busy. Also had to keep Jamie off school yesterday (only the 2nd week back :wall: ), as he has had a very bad chest (he is asthmatic). Have kept him off today as well because the last 2 nights he just hasn't slept and neither have we and he is knackered.

As for me, I have been feeling fine, I have had no symptoms for a few days now and apart from being knackered due to the above feel great :D I have my scan on thurs and am really excited, so can't wait for that!

Hope everyone else is doing well, gonna go and catch up on posts now :wave:
lol, pregnancy brain muppet mummy, repeating yourself like that :wink:
Cool :D

All I wanted to say was I can't believe I only have 1 week left in 1st Tri!!

I've had fun in here with you guys...who else is moving up soon, Oingo is the same dat as me so she'll be going too...who else?
I've missed this thread! Had thought about bumping it several times but couldn't be arsed to look for it :dance:

I've still got about 3 weeks to go before I move to second tri, first tri has really dragged! I will always associate the second picture on my ticker with feeling sick!
I didn't find out I was pg with James until 11 weeks so I missed out on all this stressful waiting.

I'm trying to get the motivation together to have a shower cos I've got to be at work at 12. I feel really tired and lazy today
my nausea and tiredness have just about stopped now...its weird, but good i guess
How weird, this thread ended the day I conceived!!!

Today, I have work, work, work. You have no idea how jealous I am of you stay at home girlies. I should probably work from home but if I don't keep on top of the ladies in the office, nothing gets done (what am I gonna be like when I have to go on maternity leave and have to delegate stuff)

Well I have a couple of hours off to see my consultant and assuming everything is ok, I'm gonna tell them at work when I get back (I suspect they will have a party on the strength of it. 9 months without me!!!) LOL :lol:
hi guys

i have had 2 weeks off and feel soooo guilty, I am e-mailing HR at this precise moment to let them know the situation and see if they can help in anyway atall....i have to run accross a huge open plan staff area to get to the loo and down where i work with students miander through crowds of people/students who all try and stop me and ask for help...just to get to the loo to be sick
argh !

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