first time mum in late 30s


Aug 11, 2010
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Hi im in my late 30s and first time mum:) Im loving being pg after trying for a long time :dance: and its been a bit of a struggle to be honest.I am 32weeks pg and im practicing hypnobirthing and wondered if any one else who is in a similar position wants to chat? x
Thanks ladies its so wonderful but bit daunting! i have a growth scan this week cause baby is measuring a bit small.:shock: Has any one else had this? and is any one doing hypnobirthing? and am i posting in the right place?:lol:
Welcome! x you might find in the pregnancy chat forum you get more responses but-I'm doing natal hypnotherapy (British version of hypnobirthing which is American). I'm not doing the course but have the CD for home birth prep and the birthing music and the book so it might be cool to compare?
I'm not a first timer but it feels like it sometimes as my daughter is 6 and I seem to have forgotten EVERYTHING!!!! Lol.
Welcome to Tri 3! :)
I had a growth scan because baby was measuring too big! lol! I always said I would look into hypnobirthing however never did though...hope it works for you X
thank you all again ladies :) Helen would be really good to compare as i didn't realise about the natal british one,that sounds good! are you practicing your balloon breathing? sound familiar?:lol: I have my last settion tonight:shock: and i dont feel ready for only one more :lol: but i guess i need to practice all the relaxation techniques more x

Tash hi :wave: have you only had to have the one growth scan? x
Hiya, i wouldnt worry about the growth scan as all bumps measure differently anyway but the growth scan will give you an estimated weight of baby :) My bump was measuring big but i carry big babies anyway so my 2growth scans showed hes measuring the same as my daughter would have been so hes on track to be 9lb (he may even be 9lb already) lol They just like to double check to make sure babys growing well :) x
ahh thanks becks. Trying hard not to worry :roll: this will be my third growth scan and baby is growing fine just not quite on their chart. Gosh to yours being 9 lbs already :lol: do you have to have a c section? x
Yeah, I only had the one growth scan. Had it at 35+2 :) Baby was measuring about 2lb over average, so over, but nothing to worry about. Just anticipating an 8-9lber! X
Thanks ladies its so wonderful but bit daunting! i have a growth scan this week cause baby is measuring a bit small.:shock: Has any one else had this? and is any one doing hypnobirthing? and am i posting in the right place?:lol:


I'm 34 and this is my first baby. I'm also having a growth scan at 32 weeks as I have a fibroid that they want to check out and I have been measuring a bit big.

ahh thanks becks. Trying hard not to worry :roll: this will be my third growth scan and baby is growing fine just not quite on their chart. Gosh to yours being 9 lbs already :lol: do you have to have a c section? x

No i dont have to have csections. I had my daughter 4years ago naturally and i want this one naturally too, they want to induce me but im refusing till at least 10days over.
The weights they give you are only estimates and aslong as baby is putting on a good weight each scan then there isnt any problems. My son put on 10oz in 2weeks which i didnt think was much but they was more then happy with that. My daughter was 9lb 3oz so my chart was done on her weight and babys following the top line and just over on the chart. will see how accurate the chart is soon though :)

Im sure everythings fine with baby, midwifes just like to scare us sometimes :) x
Hi Pam :) thanks for your reply,how are you feeling? x

Becks glad you don't have to have c section! im the opposite to you then measuring just under the lower chart line. Ooh not long for you now though :) Thanks for your message,its always nice to hear other peoples stories.

Seems like there are more peoples babies are measuring bigger rather that smaller :lol:
I've not actually done any practicing yet as only ordered the CDs last Friday so waiting for them to arrive x I already know that one of the differences is the terminology-hypnobirthing changes the terminology (contractions to surges) and natal hypnotherapy doesn't. Also hypnobirthing uses the birth partner to reach hypnosis state and natal hypnotherapy has the woman do it themself x
helen Hi Yes hypnobirthing dose change the wording from contractions to surges (which i like) because they say you dont have contractions as that closes the body,which is the opposite of what your body is doing. so when you are having a surge (contraction) that is your muscles opening not contracting if u know what i mean :lol: which to me makes sense. So dont mind that difference.
The other difference dose include your partner to help but it dose teach you to go in to a trance yourself so not relying on your birth partner. They are there really to give encouragement and pointers but mainly to interact with the medical people so you can carry on in your trance :) x
Terminology in general doesn't matter that much to me, they can call them what they like as long as baby arrives lmao! He he x but I can see how it would help! I will let you know what the cd is like and then we can compare the difference x I guess they're just the same thing done in different ways if you get me? x the outcome is the same (hypnosis) but the methods of getting there are different x I'm so looking forward to it though! I don't mind trying entinox again (it made me sick first time) though if need be x I'm doing the natal hypnotherapy mostly because of a back problem I have which I'm worried will slow labour but I know I'll be prepared to deal with my body and my confidence in it doing this x
Yes be good to compare. My cd first of all goes on for ages saying positive affirmations then goes into a meditation :) which i always fall asleep too :lol: I would have loved a midwife that was into it, your sooo lucky :) The wording is suppose to have an affect on your brain so thats why they change some wording. whats entinox? x

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