First pregnancy over :-(


Well-Known Member
Jul 23, 2012
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Hi ladies

After a third blood test yesterday the doctors suspected ectopic pregnancy and I had to come into the hospital this morning

Luckily I have no pain and after an examination the consultant has said he doesn't thi k it is ectopic so I am now on a hospital bed having been given the mmc tablets!

Blood test on Tuesday will hopefully confirm that this was a missed miscarriage and not an ectopic and I can get back to normal before I start on the long journey of ttc again

I'm realy sorry for ur loss :-( I've had2 mmcs now not nice at all how far along are you? Hopefully the tablets will work for you and it will be over soon for you massive hugs xxx
So sorry to read this xx

Take care of yourself over the next few days xx
7 weeks yesterday so still only early! I suppose I just took it for granted that everything would be okay and didn't even consider going through this!

The worst thing about it is people who have never been through it giving you advice before and after it was confirmed such as 'you were lucky and blessed to get caught' - 'there will always be next time' - ' you just need to get back to normal now' .... What do they know xxx
Sending BIG :hugs:
People think they are trying it help but it just makes things worse. I know how you feel, that's all I've had this week. I just want to shout at them but its not their fault.
I hope you feel better soon and get on the road top recovery ASAP.
Take care x x x
I know how you feel too (just lost my bean too at 7 weeks) - look after yourself. pm me if you want to talk to someone going through the same as you.......
Just when I think I'm coping I get a text from a friend announcing her pregnancy with a picture of her scan! Why isn't it me? I'm devestated! I can't cope anymore xx
Stephttc, you can cope and you will. It's so so hard when people around you are announcing pregs or just being preg tho. After my mmc I couldn't bare Facebook, it was too upsetting.

So sorry for your loss, take care of each other and rest up xxx
I've deleted Facebook today lol! I hope I can stay away from it for a while xxx thanks for your message xxx
how are things - are the meds working? did the hospital say how long they would take to do anything and do you have to go back - sorry that's a lot of questions. :(
Hiya - I really don't think it's working :-/ all I've got is the same spotting I've had for the last 12 days! The hospital said that it should work within 3 hours of taking them but I am now 30 hours past and still not passing anything! I've got to go again in the morning for another blood test so am going to speak to them then

I just want it all over so that I can get back to normal and start trying again!

I'm feeling really angry and upset today and questioning why had this happened to me? What did I do wrong/to deserve this?? How long does it take to get over a miscarriage and am I going to have to wait an eternity for a baby?

How are you doing today? Xxx
Steph I'm so sorry Hun. I remember the day you got your bfp as we were on the same day together on the testing thread.This is so mean and unfair. But you have done nothing wrong and this is not your fault hun so don't blame yourself. I really hope things start moving for you soon so you can get home and be in your own bed. Take care hunni, I know how horrible this is. I had a missed miscarriage at 13 weeks. I also had medical management but I started bleeding 6 hours after I took the first tablets. I hope things hurry up for you xxx
I am so sorry to read this hon.

I suffered my 4th mc in June and I have recently had the results of my tests. I will tell you what my doctor told me and that is you have done nothing wrong, it is not your fault. These things happen for a reason, some are treatable, some are random and might never happen again. You MUST NOT blame yourself for this babe, you have done everything right and no one can ever tell you otherwise.

I hope that you are feeling better soon but take all the time you need to cry, rant, heal etc.

I am thinking of you, big hugs!!

Lee-Ann xx
Hiya - I really don't think it's working :-/ all I've got is the same spotting I've had for the last 12 days! The hospital said that it should work within 3 hours of taking them but I am now 30 hours past and still not passing anything! I've got to go again in the morning for another blood test so am going to speak to them then

I just want it all over so that I can get back to normal and start trying again!

I'm feeling really angry and upset today and questioning why had this happened to me? What did I do wrong/to deserve this?? How long does it take to get over a miscarriage and am I going to have to wait an eternity for a baby?

How are you doing today? Xxx

I am ok physically now, bleeding stopped, did an hpt yesterday and the 2nd line is now barely there - so levels are reaching normal again.

I know how you feel about blaming yourself and wondering what you did to deserve it - I think during a sobbing fit I was actually saying that over and over 'what did I do?' I guess it will be hard for a while to come yet.

Take care
Sorry to hear that Steph. It's doubly hard when everyone else seems to be pregnant. My second in 5 months happened last week again at 11wks so I know how you feel. What helps me is taking positive action, my new ovulation kit arrived yesterday and I've been on to the doctor about tests. My hormone levels are still saying pregnant so it's taking a while. Weird how you so want that second line on the test and how quickly you don't!
Hope you're ok x
Awww hun, so sorry, I have experienced a missed mc, I opted to let baby come away naturally, it was a very traumatic time, I know what you are going through having to wait for it to happen, it took me 3 weeks after my scan confirmed no heart beat (but I didn't have the tablets). I cried myself to sleep, and I also had a friend that was pregnant, she was 2 weeks further gone than me and didn't know I was pregnant, (I deleted her on Facebook after teller we and her not being at all companionate). I started trying again about 2 months later, don't lose faith x x

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