First pregnancy/Anti sickness medication


Well-Known Member
Oct 21, 2010
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Hi everyone,

I found out I was pregnant 2 weeks ago (on the day of the royal wedding! I'm 8 weeks now)
The week before I found out untill now I've really suffered with morning sickness (only actually thrown up twice and that was Saturday just gone.)
I had my first doctors appt today, I was surprised how quick he was and the lack of poking and prodding (but I assume that will all happen in my first midwife appt?)
The doctor has prescribed me with prochlorperazine for the sickness.
Has anyone else taken this? Is it safe? The instructions say to check with doctor to see if it's suitable. I've googles it and some woman havn't bothered taking it just in case.

What would you do?


I don't know about the anti sickness, but I can't see a doc prescribing it knowing ur pregnant if it isn't safe.
If you've only thrown up twice I'm not sure why your doc has prescribed them as they are usually a last resort to help u keep some food and fluid down? I've not had the ones you mentioned but I did have metachlopramide for about 3 months when my hyperemisis was so bad I couldnt keep anything down, and I had cyclizine for a few weeks when I was in hospital with dehydration. I would say if your not sure don't take them and go back to your doc and ask if he knows of any that are a bit safer, plus as they don't actually stop you feeling or being sick they only take the edge off a bit I would hold off taking them until you really need to, hope u feel better soon x
I was prescribed it but then decided to not take it, I got all paranoid. I was given it as I suffered really badly with nausea all day every day and couldn't do anything but lie on the sofa and stopped eating. I've got a phobia of vomiting so got myself all stressed and worked up but I think just having the tablets in the house was enough to calm me down! I don't think they would give them out if they werent safe but if you are able to cope and not being sick maybe don't take them or save them incase you get worse. I was better by about week 12 and able to function enough to do day to day stuff by week 10. Hopefully it will pass soon x
Hi everyone just thought I'd update!
Since physically being sick u have felt A LOT better! (must be coming through) I still feel slightly rough in the mornings so I take 1 pill in the morning to help me get through brekki and set me up for the day :) thanks for the advice guys! X

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