First miscarraige


Mar 11, 2018
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I was around 6 7 weeks pregnant yesterday when i went the loo ans wiped was when it all began. This morning at 6.30am i woke up came down stairs and within minutes felt suddenly sick started to vommit with that i felt the passing sorry body went into shock and collapsed sweating shaking really pale etc...

After going to epu they confirmed i had a failed pregnancy and what i described sounded like the fetus/embro/sac had passed. I have to go for a scan on thurs to check all has come away. I didnt have pains before during or even be honest the moment it happen it felt like my body had gone into relief mode as though i instantly felt better that something had come out that wasnt right or suppose to be there if that makes sense. It hasnt even been 12 hours since it happened but i am barely bleeding nothing on a pad only small amount when i wipe. Is this normal? I have no pain my body feels like it has instantly resumed to before pregnancy??

So sorry to hear about your loss emmmylah, your experience sounds very similar to when I had a natural miscarriage so I would say it is normal and hopefully you’re over the worst now physically, take care of yourself xx
Thankyou xx

I keep having outburst of crying and feel like i just need to become pregnant again even though this wasnt planned or anything but feel like i need to have another baby to make myself feel better...i know its probably not right and i need to give myself time to heal and recover. My bleeding has pretty much stopped now just small amount when i wipe is that all it will be now? never thought i would experience this but i believe it is more common than people realise. Do you become more fertile after mc like you are after a child?
Did you go on to have any more pregnancies? its totally new all this to me i was exspecting to have pains dramatic bleeding etc but just wasnt like that xx
So sorry to read this. I miscarried naturally a bit further on than you and it sounds very similar if you've felt it pass.

It's important you don't use tampons and also that you get yourself scanned to make sure nothing is retained lovely

I'm pregnant again now so it can happen don't give up hope xx let yourself heal and try again! Massive hugs it's the worst experience in the world

Thankyou xx

I keep having outburst of crying and feel like i just need to become pregnant again even though this wasnt planned or anything but feel like i need to have another baby to make myself feel better...i know its probably not right and i need to give myself time to heal and recover. My bleeding has pretty much stopped now just small amount when i wipe is that all it will be now? never thought i would experience this but i believe it is more common than people realise. Do you become more fertile after mc like you are after a child?
Did you go on to have any more pregnancies? its totally new all this to me i was exspecting to have pains dramatic bleeding etc but just wasnt like that xx

The desperate to be pregnant again is completely understandable, I became obsessed about getting pregnant again after our first miscarriage. Apparently you are more fertile for up to 6 months post miscarriage. Unfortunately we have gone on to have another two miscarriages but it’s rare to have three in a row like we have and much more likely that your next pregnancy will be completely fine. Xx
yes i have a scan on thursday which i will go along too...i have a little girl now but did have problems during pregnancy with her as i had fibriods that grew to huge sizes of pregnancy hormones so not sure if mc could be related to fibriods..i will ask on thursday. My partner is in spain lives/works there so i feel so alone but also i feel like i need to go jump on a plane to become pregnant again if i am more fertile now than i normally would be lol is that normal to feel like that wanting to become pregnant again x
oh lucy i am so sorry for you huge hugs!!!

i said to my mum only 10 minutes ago i am so lucky to have a little girl and there are some really strong women out there who go threw this more than once...not sure where i read it but one lady hsd suffered 9 in total its so heartbreaking xxx sending you hugs xx
Thank you xx oh I’m sorry your partners working away atm but, I’m glad you have your Mum to talk to and there’s loads of lovely ladies on here to support you. Going though a miscarriage is traumatic and nobody should have to go through it. Hopefully you get some answers at your scan xx
Thankyou xx

I keep having outburst of crying and feel like i just need to become pregnant again even though this wasnt planned or anything but feel like i need to have another baby to make myself feel better...i know its probably not right and i need to give myself time to heal and recover. My bleeding has pretty much stopped now just small amount when i wipe is that all it will be now? never thought i would experience this but i believe it is more common than people realise. Do you become more fertile after mc like you are after a child?
Did you go on to have any more pregnancies? its totally new all this to me i was exspecting to have pains dramatic bleeding etc but just wasnt like that xx

I'm so sorry for what's happened. What you're going through is normal and horrible and I felt the exact same way when I had my miscarriage
We even started trying soon as my MC bleeding stopped out of desperation but of course I didn't fall pregnant and looking back my body wasn't ready neither way I emotionally
You may bleed a little or a lot after MC I bleed like a period for 7 days but it got very light towards the end

You're more fertile 6 months after MC
You'll get pregnant again soon as long as you don't stress yourself out which is hard I know
The feeling like you said that something that wasn't meant to be inside you left your body and you felt relief just proves how amazing and clever your body is - it wasn't meant to be

Take a break let yourself cry plan a get away and relax your body until your pregnancy hormone disappears and you eventually get your period ( 4-6 weeks doctors say)

Such a horr8jnke thing to go through but don't be hard on yourself . Come on here and vent and let yourself be upset
I cried everyday for 3 weeks and now I am getting better - you will too

Thankyou xxx

My body felt physically fine yesterday but today i feel sore my stomach shoulders arms just achey so i dont know if it was the stress of it all had me so ive allowed myself to cry when i needed too yesterday i was uncontrolable. I went and got the epu doctor who seen me on both days i went on the weekend sat an sun an thankyou card and some flowers. It was such a sad experience for me and she made the difference on that part of my journey in life yesterday just being so kind and nice to me she held my hand gave me a hug and was quite teary herself. It just made the massive differnce to my shitty situation that am sure she sees on a daily basis!!!

My heart goes out to everyone who goes threw this :'( xx
I am sorry to hear of your loss, I have also just experienced a loss myself. Mine was at around 5 weeks but I had similar symptoms that you described - heavy cramping, huge blood clots, blood loss, feeling faint and sick. I nearly went to A&E as I was so frightened. I feel like my body was suddenly 'empty'. It was the only way I could describe it to my OH. My body felt the loss and I knew it was true, I didn't need a doctor to tell me. I just didn't feel pregnant anymore. We are hoping to TTC again as it has showed us how much we want a baby having experienced a loss. I hope you feel better soon, I kept crying randomly and I think it was still the hormones raging around my body. I keep telling myself to remember there is more chance of having a healthy pregnancy and carry to term next time round. Good luck in the future and here's to lots of babydust xx

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